Bulletin Announcements
Mondays and Wednesdays 10:30 - 3:30
Tuesdays and Fridays 10:00 - 3:00
Offices CLOSED Thursdays & Fridays
March 2, 2025
Annual General Meeting: Today following worship service.
Council Positions: We are looking for volunteers to fill Council Positions: Council Chair; Chair of M & P, Chair of Reaching Out, Chinook Wind Rep and Members at Large. We are also looking for a Coordinator for the Coffee and Fellowship time. Council positions will be voted in at the March AGM. Please consider bringing your voice and talents to the Lakeview UC Council..
Lenten Study: Study Book “Something Sacred - “Reflections of Music and Faith”. The book will be on sale Feb 23 and March 2 from Gerry Scharff. Cost: $20. These books are daily reflections on music and faith for Lent - a time when we draw closer to God and to the Easter Season.
Shrove Tuesday - March 4th @ 5:30pm - everyone is welcome - sign up sheets are in the narthex,
New procedures for main doors: Note we are no longer using the allen key for the push bar. There is a new linchpin installed making the process much easier. Please take a moment to read the instructions.
Volunteer for General Council & showcase Alberta’s hospitality
The United Church of Canada’s General Council meets in Calgary August 7-11, 2025. Join the volunteer team to welcome people to our province! There are many ways you can volunteer! Contact ChinookWindsRegion.ca for more information.
United Church of Canada 100 Anniversary - YYC Wide Worship at Knox UCC Calgary - June 8th at 2pm for more info contact: uccturns100yyc@gmail.com
Sunday services are recorded from the balcony and posted on Youtube for the benefit of those unable to attend in person.
Broadview Magazine is publishing a special United Church of Canada 100th Anniversary Edition in June. If you would like to order a copy, please contact the office… 403-242-5769
Spring Forward One Hour… reminder for Sunday March 9th, turn your clocks ahead one hour.
Bible Studies….
Wednesday Group - meet in the Upper Hall at 10am - study of Deuteronomy continues….everyone is welcome
Friday Group - meet in the upper hall at 10am - starting in March will be reading the book Being Mortal, Medicine and What Matters in the End, by Atul Gawande. Newcomers are welcome!
Coffee & Fellowship - Thank you to everyone who has come forward to sign up for this important time of fellowship. We had two cancellations, March 9th and March 16th if you can help….please sign up
- Crossing the River - Sunday March 16th 2:30 - 4pm at Woodcliff UC. A powerful story of unlearning racism and healing. With author Sandra Hayes-Gardiner and knowledge keeper Cheryl Chagnon-Greyes.
- TAIZE - an evening of prayer, signing and silence. Sunday March 16th at 7:30 at St. Laurence Anglican Church, 5940 Lakeview Dr SW - All are welcome.
- “Earth Day - Tuesday April 22 “Our Power, Our Planet” at McDougall UC 12-3pm - Earth day prayers, smudging & storytelling,free lunch, all ages events. Call McDougall UC 403-252-1620 to sign up for attending.
- (see the posters on the bulletin board in the upper hall for all the above)
Sunday services are recorded from the balcony and posted on Youtube for the benefit of those unable to attend in person.
February 23, 2025
The 2024 Tax Receipts for 2024 Contributions are ready for pick up in the box in the narthex.
Annual General Meeting – Sunday March 2 @ 11:00am
Council Positions: We are looking for volunteers to fill Council Positions: Council Chair; Chair of M & P, Chair of Reaching Out and Members at Large. We are also looking for a Coordinator for the Coffee and Fellowship time. Council positions will be voted in at the March AGM. Please consider bringing your voice and talents to the Lakeview UC Council. Contact the office for questions and direction to further information 403-252-5760.
Lenten Study: Study Book “Something Sacred - “Reflections of Music and Faith”. The book will be on sale Feb 23 and March 2 from Gerry Scharff. Cost: $20. These books are daily reflections on music and faith for Lent - a time when we draw closer to God and to the Easter Season.
Upcoming Sanctuary Sounds…..
Wednesday - Wed March 19th - Wed. April 23 Wed May 14
New procedures for main doors: Note we are no longer using the allen key for the push bar. There is a new linchpin installed making the process much easier. Please take a moment to read the instructions
Volunteer for General Council & showcase Alberta’s hospitality
The United Church of Canada’s General Council meets in Calgary August 7-11, 2025. Join the volunteer team to welcome people to our province! There are many ways you can volunteer! Contact ChinookWindsRegion.ca for more information.
United Church of Canada 100 Anniversary - YYC Wide Worship at Knox UCC Calgary - June 8th at 2pm for more info contact: uccturns100yyc@gmail.com
February 16, 2025
The 2024 Tax Receipts for 2024 Contributions are ready for pick up in the box in the narthex.
Council Positions: We are looking for volunteers to fill Council Positions: Council Chair; Chair of M & P, Chair of Reaching Out and Members at Large. We are also looking for a Coordinator for the Coffee and Fellowship time. Council positions will be voted in at the March AGM. Please consider bringing your voice and talents to the Lakeview UC Council. Contact the office for questions and direction to further information 403-252-5760.
Lenten Study: Study Book “Something Sacred - “Reflections of Music and Faith”. The book will be on sale Feb 23 and March 2 from Gerry Scharff. Cost: $20. These books are daily reflections on music and faith for Lent - a time when we draw closer to God and to the Easter Season.
February is Black History Month
TODAY …February 16 – Lakeview UC will present two films: “Black Lives in Alberta” (33 minutes) and “From the Young”(18 minutes) talking about the need for equity from young Black persons. Movie goers are invited to attend lunch from 12 noon to 12:30 pm. Free will offering for lunch and the movies. Everyone is invited to attend.
Film presentation time: 12:30pm
Volunteer for General Council & showcase Alberta’s hospitality
The United Church of Canada’s General Council meets in Calgary August 7-11, 2025. Join the volunteer team to welcome people to our province! There are many ways you can volunteer! Contact ChinookWindsRegion.ca for more information.
United Church of Canada 100 Anniversary - YYC Wide Worship at Knox UCC Calgary - June 8th at 2pm for more info contact: uccturns100yyc@gmail.com
February 9, 2025
Next Council Meeting: Wednesday February 19, 2025 @ 7pm
Annual General Meeting: Sunday March 2nd following worship
The 2024 Tax Receipts for 2024 Contributions are ready for pick up in the box in the narthex.
Important PAR Notice - PAR renewals were late coming in and as a result the changes to your PAR 2025 were not implemented for January. The February PAR changes will be in effect for February 18th.
Council Positions: We are looking for volunteers to fill Council Positions: Council Chair; Chair of M & P, Chair of Reaching Out and Members at Large. We are also looking for a Coordinator for the Coffee and Fellowship time. Council positions will be voted in at the March AGM. Please consider bringing your voice and talents to the Lakeview UC Council. Contact the office for questions and direction to further information 403-252-5760.
Volunteer for General Council & showcase Alberta’s hospitality
The UC of Canada will meet in Calgary August 7-11, 2025. They are looking for volunteers for a variety of positions - small shifts - please refer to the link on the weekly newsletter or contact the office for information.
Coffee & Fellowship
We would like to Beth Elliot for Coordinating the Coffee and Fellowship time for the past three years. Beth will be resigning this position at the end of June. We are looking for a volunteer to step in. We are also looking at cutting coffee time down to the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month. Choir and Council will cover the third Sunday - alternating months. We need volunteers to sign up for the first Sunday.
We realize the value in this time of fellowship but we are not getting enough volunteers to fill every Sunday and we do not want the same people taking this on just because no one signs up.
Please consider getting one or two people to sign up with you.
We are looking at ways of making this easier for volunteers
● switching to compostable coffee cups
● providing a stock of cookies
If you have questions, thoughts or suggestions, please contact the office.
February is Black History Month
February 16 – Lakeview UC will present two films: “Black Lives in Alberta”
( 33 minutes) and “From the Young”(18 minutes) talking about the need for equity from young Black persons. Everyone is invited to attend. Film presentation time: 12:30pm
A reminder to Council and Committee Members:
If you wish to submit a report for the Annual General Meeting - please email your report no later than the first week of February. lakeviewuc@telus.net Thank you.
Upcoming Sanctuary Sounds…..
Wednesday February 12th - Wed March 12th - Wed. April 16 Wed May 14
Our Greater Community….
Woodcliff United Church presents: Concert Love Stories with Melissa Wang Jackson - Fri. Feb 7th. Doors open at 6pm. Tickets are $35 at lovestoriesconcert.evenbrite.ca
United Church of Canada 100 Anniversary - YYC Wide Worship at Knox UCC Calgary - June 8th at 2pm for more info contact: uccturns100yyc@gmail.com
Commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day…
Today - Jan 26th at 4:30 pm (approx. 1 hour) at the Cathedral Church of the Redeemer @ 604 1st St SE with speaker Ann Dancyger, Holocaust Survivor
Thank you……
There are many hands that make things happen at Lakeview UC - so we send out our sincerest thank you to those who step in to serve on Council and Committees; fellowship; scripture readers; communion servers, pastoral care folks; facility overseers and organizers; sound, PowerPoint and video folks; choir; Sunday School volunteers, offering takers; those who set up and take down tables every week, clean up folks; librarian; fundraising leaders….the list is endless. Without all the wonderful volunteers we would not be able to fulfil our mission.
January 26, 2025
Next Council Meeting: Wednesday February 19, 2025 @ 7pm
Annual General Meeting: Sunday March 2nd following worship
The 2024 Tax Receipts for 2024 Contributions are ready for pick up in the box in the narthex.
Important PAR Notice - PAR renewals were late coming in and as a result the changes to your PAR 2025 were not implemented for January. The February PAR changes will be in effect for February 18th.
Council Positions: We are looking for volunteers to fill Council Positions: Council Chair; Chair of M & P, Chair of Reaching Out and Members at Large. We are also looking for a Coordinator for the Coffee and Fellowship time. Council positions will be voted in at the March AGM. Please consider bringing your voice and talents to the Lakeview UC Council. Contact the office for questions and direction to further information 403-252-5760.
Volunteer for General Council & showcase Alberta’s hospitality
The UC of Canada will meet in Calgary August 7-11, 2025. They are looking for volunteers for a variety of positions - small shifts - please refer to the link on the weekly newsletter or contact the office for information.
Coffee & Fellowship
We would like to Beth Elliot for Coordinating the Coffee and Fellowship time for the past three years. Beth will be resigning this position at the end of June. We are looking for a volunteer to step in. We are also looking at cutting coffee time down to the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month. Choir and Council will cover the third Sunday - alternating months. We need volunteers to sign up for the first Sunday.
We realize the value in this time of fellowship but we are not getting enough volunteers to fill every Sunday and we do not want the same people taking this on just because no one signs up.
Please consider getting one or two people to sign up with you.
We are looking at ways of making this easier for volunteers
● switching to compostable coffee cups
● providing a stock of cookies
If you have questions, thoughts or suggestions, please contact the office.
February is Black History Month
February 16 – Lakeview UC will present two films: “Black Lives in Alberta”
( 33 minutes) and “From the Young”(18 minutes) talking about the need for equity from young Black persons. Everyone is invited to attend. Film presentation time: 12:30pm
The next communion will be Sunday February 2nd, 2025.
A reminder to Council and Committee Members:
If you wish to submit a report for the Annual General Meeting - please email your report no later than the first week of February. lakeviewuc@telus.net Thank you.
Upcoming Sanctuary Sounds…..
Wednesday February 12th - Wed March 12th - Wed. April 16 Wed May 14
Our Greater Community….
Woodcliff United Church presents: Concert Love Stories with Melissa Wang Jackson - Fri. Feb 7th. Doors open at 6pm. Tickets are $35 at lovestoriesconcert.evenbrite.ca
United Church of Canada 100 Anniversary - YYC Wide Worship at Knox UCC Calgary - June 8th at 2pm for more info contact: uccturns100yyc@gmail.com
Commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day…
Today - Jan 26th at 4:30 pm (approx. 1 hour) at the Cathedral Church of the Redeemer @ 604 1st St SE with speaker Ann Dancyger, Holocaust Survivor
Thank you……
There are many hands that make things happen at Lakeview UC - so we send out our sincerest thank you to those who step in to serve on Council and Committees; fellowship; scripture readers; communion servers, pastoral care folks; facility overseers and organizers; sound, PowerPoint and video folks; choir; Sunday School volunteers, offering takers; those who set up and take down tables every week, clean up folks; librarian; fundraising leaders….the list is endless. Without all the wonderful volunteers we would not be able to fulfil our mission.
January 19, 2025
Next Council Meeting: Wednesday February 19, 2025 @ 7pm
Annual General Meeting: Sunday March 2nd following worship
Council Positions: We are looking for volunteers to fill Council Positions: Council Chair; Chair of M & P, Chair of Reaching Out and Members at Large. We are also looking for a Coordinator for the Coffee and Fellowship time. Council positions will be voted in at the March AGM. Please consider bringing your voice and talents to the Lakeview UC Council. Contact the office for questions and direction to further information 403-252-5760.
Volunteer for General Council & showcase Alberta’s hospitality
The UC of Canada will meet in Calgary August 7-11, 2025. They are looking for volunteers for a variety of positions - small shifts - please refer to the link on the weekly newsletter or contact the office for information.
Coffee & Fellowship
We would like to Beth Elliot for Coordinating the Coffee and Fellowship time for the past three years. Beth will be resigning this position at the end of June. We are looking for a volunteer to step in. We are also looking at cutting coffee time down to the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month. Choir and Council will cover the third Sunday - alternating months. We need volunteers to sign up for the first Sunday.
We realize the value in this time of fellowship but we are not getting enough volunteers to fill every Sunday and we do not want the same people taking this on just because no one signs up. Please consider getting one or two people to sign up with you.
We are looking at ways of making this easier for volunteers
● switching to compostable coffee cups
● providing a stock of cookies
If you have questions, thoughts or suggestions, please contact the office.
February is Black History Month
February 16 – Lakeview UC will present two films: “Black Lives in Alberta”
( 33 minutes) and “Growing Up Black”(18 minutes) talking about the need for equity from young Black persons. Everyone is invited to attend.
Film presentation time: 12:30pm
The next communion will be Sunday February 2nd, 2025.
A reminder to Council and Committee Members:
If you wish to submit a report for the Annual General Meeting - please email your report no later than the first week of February. lakeviewuc@telus.net
Thank you.
Upcoming Sanctuary Sounds…..
Wednesday February 12th
Wednesday March 12th
Wednesday April 16th
Wednesday April 16th
Wednesday May 14th
Watch for details closer to the concert dates. All concerts start at 12 noon
January 12, 2025
Bible Studies
1st & 3rd Monday 10am - Next Session Jan 20th, 2025 “ Seek Justice and Resist Evil” contact Nancy 403-242-5760 for questions
Wednesdays - at 10 am studying Deuteronomy
Fridays - reading and discussing “The Art of Happiness, a handbook for living “ by the Dalai Lama and Dr. Howard C Cutler. New members welcome. Next Meeting: January 10, 2025
Call Sue Spratt for further information. 403-242-5760.
It is that time of year to work on the 2025 Budget! The PLEDGEFEST There is still time to return those PAR forms and Pledge letters…...
United Church celebrates 100 years - we are still looking for your suggestions on how we at Lakeview UC can celebrate the anniversary. Place your suggestions into the red box in the narthex. Thank you
Exciting Sunday School News…
Each Sunday the Forte Music will be doing a special music program for children ages 3-6 - starting at 10am. We invite all children in the age group to participate. Any questions please contact Janet L at 403-242-5760.
December 2024
Next Council Meeting: Wed. January 15, 2025
Advent & Christmas 2024
December 22 - 10am Worship: LOVE - Christmas Dreams Cantata
December 24 - 5pm Worship: Family Christmas Service
December 24 - 7pm Traditional Candlelight Worship Service
December 29 - 10am Eggs Benedict Breakfast
Come and join us to celebrate the season. Christmas Blessings to You and Yours.....
Bible Studies
1st & 3rd Monday 10am - Next Session Jan 6th, 2025 “ Seek Justice and Resist Evil” contact Nancy 403-242-5760 for questions
Wednesdays - at 10 am studying Deuteronomy
Fridays - reading and discussing “The Art of Happiness, a handbook for living “ by the Dalai Lama and Dr. Howard C Cutler. New members welcome. Next Meeting: January 10, 2025
Call Sue Spratt for further information. 403-242-5760.
It is that time of year to work on the 2025 Budget! The PLEDGEFEST There is still time to return those PAR forms and Pledge letters…...
United Church celebrates 100 years - we are still looking for your suggestions on how we at Lakeview UC can celebrate the anniversary. Place your suggestions into the red box in the narthex. Thank you
Exciting Sunday School News…
Each Sunday the Forte Music will be doing a special music program for children ages 3-6 - starting at 10am. We invite all children in the age group to participate. Any questions please contact Janet L at 403-242-5760.
Raising the Roof with Beautiful Baskets
Thank you to everyone who donated to the gift basket project and for those who supported the effort with bids., The Silent Auction closed on November 26th and we raised approximately $1,600
Are you a crafty person who loves the challenge of creating things? The Sunday School is looking for a few people who would help rejuvenate the costumes for the Christmas pageant. As our Sunday School program grows, we need to freshen up the looks of our poor Mary and Joseph and the whole Bethlehem crew. We also need donkey ears and tails for a presentation on Dec 15th. Are you up to the challenge? Please contact Janet L at 403-242-5760.
Cards for the Community
We plan to make cards inviting people to our Advent and Christmas services once again. You can help:
Bring us your old Christmas cards (preferably with Christian images)
Volunteer to make cards at coffee time or at home--Let Fiona or Wendy know and we'll give you supplies!
Give the cards to friends, family, neighbours
November 24, 2024
Cards for the Community
We plan to make cards inviting people to our Advent and Christmas services once again. You can help:
Bring us your old Christmas cards (preferably with Christian images)
Volunteer to make cards at coffee time or at home--Let Fiona or Wendy know and we'll give you supplies!
Give the cards to friends, family, neighbours
It is that time of year to work on the 2025 Budget! The PLEDGEFEST letters for PAR participants and all other contributors are ready for you to pick up in the narthex. Please complete the forms and return to the office no later than Nov 24th. Thank you for your continued support and generosity to Lakeview UC.
United Church celebrates 100 years - we are still looking for your suggestions on how we at Lakeview UC can celebrate the anniversary. Place your suggestions into the red box in the narthex. Thank you
Exciting Sunday School News…
Each Sunday the Forte Music will be doing a special music program for children ages 3-6 - starting at 10am. We invite all children in the age group to participate.
Are you a crafty person who loves the challenging of creating things? The Sunday School is looking for a few people who would help rejuvenate the costumes for the Christmas pageant. As our Sunday School program grows, we need to freshen up the looks of our poor Mary and Joseph and the whole Bethlehem crew. We also need donkey ears and tails for a presentation on Dec 15th . Are you up to the challenge? Please contact Janet Layton.
Raising the Roof with Beautiful Baskets
Just in time for a little Christmas Shopping…..
These beautiful gift baskets are on display for viewing and bidding November 3 to Nov 26th. Bids will close at 5pm on November 26th. We have extended the viewing/bidding times - Fri. Nov 22 5 - 9pm and Sat. Nov 23 10am -3pm. This is an opportunity to check your bid and bring a friend or two!!
November 2024
Next Council Meeting: Wednesday November 20th - 7pm in the lower hall boardroom
Bible Studies:
1st & 3rd Monday 10am - Session 9 - “Love and Serve Others” contact Nancy 403-249-5760 for questions
Wednesdays - at 10am
Fridays - reading and discussing “The Art of Happiness, a handbook for living “ by the Dalai Lama and Dr. Howard C Cutler. New members welcome. Call Sue Spratt for further information. 403-242-5760
It is that time of year to work on the 2025 Budget! The PLEDGEFEST letters for PAR participants and all other contributors are ready for you to pick up in the narthex. Please complete the forms and return to the office no later than Nov 24th. Thank you for your continued support and generosity to Lakeview UC.
United Church celebrates 100 years - we are still looking for your suggestions on how we at Lakeview UC can celebrate the anniversary. Place your suggestions into the red box in the narthex. Thank you
Exciting Sunday School News…
Each Sunday the Forte Music will be doing a special music program for children ages 3-6 - starting at 10am. We invite all children in the age group to participate. Any questions please contact Janet L. 403-242-5760
Raising the Roof with Beautiful Baskets
Just in time for a little Christmas Shopping…..
Thank you to everyone who donated to the gift basket project. These beautiful gift baskets are on display for viewing and bidding November 3 to Nov 26th. Bids will close at 5pm on November 26th.
October 2024
Bible Studies:
Mondays 10am - Session 7 - “Celebrating God’s Presence” - contact Nancy 403-242-5760 for questions
Wednesdays - starting in October
Fridays - reading and discussing “The Art of Happiness, a handbook for living “ by the Dalai Lama and Dr. Howard C Cutler. New members welcome. Call Sue Spratt for further information. 403-242-5760
Sanctuary Sounds - Important to note that the October Sanctuary Sounds has been moved from Wednesday Oct 16 to Wednesday Oct 23. Join Cody at 12 noon for “Peace Like a River” October 23rd!
Sun. Oct. 27, ’24 following the service in the Fellowship Room: There will be a Presentation on Fall Prevention. It will cover: risk factors, how to get up from a fall, how to help someone else who has fallen, balance & strength exercises & a display of some equipment & resources that can help you. Presenter: Marilyn Simmons, retired RN
Creekside Concerts, Priddis Sunday October 27th with Paul Rumbolt and Kendra Parsons - 3pm (SOLD OUT) 7PM - Reserved Now! Tickets are $30 - email jopelang@gmail.com to reserve
October - a month of Thanksgiving and giving thanks… we will be collecting for the Foodbank for the month of October. Your donations of new non-perishable items are appreciated.
Exciting Sunday School News… Starting Sunday Oct. 6th Forte Music will be doing a special music program for children ages 3-6 - starting at 10am. We invite all children in the age group to participate. Any questions please contact Janet L. 403-242-5760
Raising the Roof with Beautiful Baskets
“Shop your house” for those gifts you bought but never actually gave; those presents you received but never used; and bring them to the church BEFORE October 15. We will then develop 9 beautiful gift baskets ( with a little added shopping as necessary) for sale. Love to knit… donate to the “Baby Basket” For more details contact Betty or Joan.
Bible Studies:
Mondays - starting Monday, October 7th at 10am
Wednesdays - starting in October
Fridays - reading and discussing “The Art of Happiness, a handbook for living “ by the Dalai Lama and Dr. Howard C Cutler. Our first meeting will be October 11. New members welcome. Call Sue Spratt for further information. 403-242-5760
October - a month of Thanksgiving and giving thanks… we will be collecting for the Foodbank for the month of October. Your donations of new non-perishable items are appreciated.
Thank you to all who supported the Land Acknowledgement Workshop on Monday. Rev. Tony Snow gave us a lot to think about. A special thank you to those who contributed food for the lunch afterwards, and who helped in the kitchen. At the event, participants donated $64, to be used towards future Truth and Reconciliation events in the region.
Coffee & Fellowship: One spot left for 2024 - Sunday Dec. 22nd. Thank you to all the volunteers for making this important time of fellowship happen.
Exciting Sunday School News… Starting Sunday Oct. 6th Forte Music will be doing a special music program for children ages 3-6 - starting at 10am. We invite all children in the age group to participate. Any questions please contact Janet L. 403-242-5760
Raising the Roof with Beautiful Baskets
“Shop your house” for those gifts you bought but never actually gave; those presents you received but never used; and bring them to the church BEFORE October 15. We will then develop 9 beautiful gift baskets (with a little added shopping as necessary) for sale. Love to knit… donate to the “Baby Basket” For more details contact Betty or Joan.
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!
September 29, 2024
Bible Studies:
Mondays - starting Monday, October 7th at 10am
Wednesdays - starting in October
Fridays - to be announced
We need your help….
Sunday Videographers - opportunities for you to sign up on the website or Mailchimp of call the office if you are interested….403-242-5760
Coffee & Fellowship: There are a few spaces remaining in the fall session.
Exciting Sunday School News… Starting Sunday Oct. 6th Forte Music will be doing a special music program for children ages 3-6 - starting at 10am. We invite all children in the age group to participate. Any questions please contact Janet L.
Lakeview UC will be hosting the “Land Acknowledgement Workshop”, September 30 at 10 am.
Presented by Indigenous Educator, Rev. Tony Snow from the Stoney Nakoda First Nation
Write or Re-write a Land Acknowledgment then stay for a simple lunch
RSVP to lakeviewuc@telus.net or TSnow@united-church.ca
Raising the Roof with Beautiful Baskets
“Shop your house” for those gifts you bought but never actually gave; those presents you received but never used; and bring them to the church BEFORE October 15. We will then develop 9 beautiful gift baskets (with a little added shopping as necessary) for sale. For more details contact Betty or Joan.
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!!
August 25, 2024
August/September Worship….
Sept 1 - Rev. Jope Langejans (last worship on the lawn)
Sept 8 - Indoor worship/Communion Sunday/Baptism SERVICE BEGINS AT 10 AM
Summer Celebration Concert – Concluding Concert- Lakeview UC Wed. August 28th at 730-8:30 – pay-what-you-can. Everyone is welcome! Wonderful group of choral singers with conductor Cody Obst, joined by accompanist Susan Varcoe and French hornist, Boris Bonchev.
Raising the Roof
Get involved in our “Raising the Roof” campaign! Please join us on Sunday Sept. 8th – immediately following the service, to learn more at the campaign launch. Everyone is invited to stay for a light lunch in the Upper Hall – thank offering ($5 per person suggested). See you there!!
Looking for volunteers to sign up for the Sunday Videographer – new sign up genius on the website.
Coffee & Fellowship: Signup sheets for September to December are in the narthex.
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!!
August 18, 2024
August Worship….
August 25 - Lakeview UC Choir
Sept 1 - Rev. Jope Langejans (last worship on the lawn)
Sept 8 - Indoor worship/Communion Sunday/Baptism. Service time moves to 10 am.
The service for Barb Foster will be at Lakeview UC on Tuesday August 20th at 2pm.
We need your help….
The summer greeting duties (when we can assemble outside in good weather) include delivering the 'bulletin /hymn book/ collection plate cart' from the Narthex to the table set up for Greeting at the main church door sidewalk at the parking lot. You will man the table and folks will come to you to pick up and drop off. You will return the cart to the Narthex at the end of the service. There is a signup sheet on the table outside. Thank you for helping.
Looking for volunteers to sign up for the Sunday Videographer – new sign up genius on the website.
Coffee & Fellowship: No coffee for July and August. Signup sheets for September to December are in the narthex.
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!!
August 11, 2024
August Worship….
August 18 - Rev. Kelley Warner
August 25 - Lakeview UC Choir
Sept 1 - Rev. Jope Langejans (last worship on the lawn)
Sept 8 - Indoor worship/Communion Sunday/Baptism
The funeral service for David Jefferies will be at Lakeview UC on Friday August 16th at 1pm.
The service for Barb Foster will be at Lakeview UC on Tuesday August 20th at 2pm.
We need your help….
The summer greeting duties (when we can assemble outside in good weather) include delivering the 'bulletin /hymn book/ collection plate cart' from the Narthex to the table set up for Greeting at the main church door sidewalk at the parking lot. You will man the table and folks will come to you to pick up and drop off. You will return the cart to the Narthex at the end of the service. There is a signup sheet on the table outside. Thank you for helping.
Looking for volunteers to sign up for the Sunday Videographer – new sign up genius on the website.
Coffee & Fellowship: No coffee for July and August. Signup sheets for September to December are in the narthex.
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!!
August 4, 2024
August Worship….
August 4 - Rev. Clint Mooney with a special musical guest
August 11 - Very Special Guest: Rabbi Cantor Russell Jayne
August 18 - Rev. Kelley Warner
August 25 - Lakeview UC Choir
Sept 1 - Rev. Jope Langejans (last worship on the lawn)
Sept 8 - Indoor worship/Communion Sunday/Baptism
We need your help….
The summer greeting duties (when we can assemble outside in good weather) include delivering the 'bulletin /hymn book/ collection plate cart' from the Narthex to the table set up for Greeting at the main church door sidewalk at the parking lot. You will man the table and folks will come to you to pick up and drop off. You will return the cart to the Narthex at the end of the service. There is a signup sheet on the table outside. Thank you for helping.
Looking for volunteers to sign up for the Sunday Videographer – new sign up genius on the website.
Coffee & Fellowship: No coffee for July and August. Signup sheets for September to December are in the narthex.
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!!
July 28, 2024
The Office will be CLOSED the week of July 29 - July 31 and reopening August 5.
July Worship…
July 28 – Cody Obst and the Lakeview UC Choir
August Worship….
August 4 - Rev. Clint Mooney with a special musical guest
August 11 - Very Special Guest: Rabbi Cantor Russell Jayne
August 18 - Rev. Kelley Warner
August 25 - Lakeview UC Choir
Sept 1 - Rev. Jope Langejans (last worship on the lawn)
Sept 8 - Indoor worship/Communion Sunday/Baptism
We need your help….
The summer greeting duties (when we can assemble outside in good weather) include delivering the 'bulletin /hymn book/ collection plate cart' from the Narthex to the table set up for Greeting at the main church door sidewalk at the parking lot. You will man the table and folks will come to you to pick up and drop off. You will return the cart to the Narthex at the end of the service. There is a signup sheet on the table outside. Thank you for helping.
Looking for volunteers to sign up for the Sunday Videographer – new sign up genius on the website.
Coffee & Fellowship: No coffee for July and August. Signup sheets for September to December are in the narthex.
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!!
July 21, 2024
July Worship…
Today - July 21 - Rev. Kelley Warner
July 28 - Lakeview UC Choir
August Worship….
August 4 - Rev. Clint Mooney
August 11 - Very Special Guest: Rabbi Cantor Russell Jayne
August 18 - Rev. Kelley Warner
August 25 - Lakeview UC Choir
Sept 1 - Rev. Jope Langejans (last worship on the lawn)
Sept 8 - Indoor worship/Communion Sunday
We need your help….
The summer greeting duties (when we can assemble outside in good weather) include delivering the 'bulletin /hymn book/ collection plate cart' from the Narthex to the table set up for Greeting at the main church door sidewalk at the parking lot. You will man the table and folks will come to you to pick up and drop off. You will return the cart to the Narthex at the end of the service. There is a sign up sheet on the table outside. Thank you for helping.
Coffee & Fellowship: No coffee for July and August. Sign up sheets for September to December are in the narthex.
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!!
July 14, 2024
July Worship…
July 21 - Rev. Kelley Warner
July 28 - Lakeview UC Choir
August Worship….
August 4 - Rev. Clint Mooney
August 11 - Very Special Guest: Rabbi Cantor Russel Jayne
August 18 - Rev. Kelley Warner
August 25 - Lakeview UC Choir
Sept 1 - Rev. Jope Langejans (last worship on the lawn)
Sept 8 - Indoor worship/Communion Sunday
SUMMER SING! with Cody Obst! - Every Wednesday July 10 - Aug 28th An SATB, mixed choir experience. Drop in for $20 for a session. See the poster on the bulletin board for details or contact Cody @ cody.obst@gmail.com
Coffee & Fellowship: No coffee for July and August. Signup sheets for September to December are in the narthex.
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!!
June 23, 2024
June Worship…
June 23 - Bob Gibennus
June 30th - Rev. Clint Mooney
Sunday July 7th we move outside for 10:30am worship on the lawn – bring your lawnchairs….
The Memorial Service for Marg Blair will be at Lakeview UC on Tuesday June 25th, 2024 at 2pm. There will be a reception in the Upper Hall following the service. The family extends an invitation to all who knew Marg. If you are planning on attending, please confirm with the family to assist them with planning the reception. Email: honorh@shaw.ca
SUMMER SING! with Cody Obst! - Every Wednesday July 10 - Aug 28th
An SATB, mixed choir experience. Cost $60 for 8 weeks or drop in for $20 for a session. See the poster on the bulletin board for details or contact Cody at cody.obst@gmail.com
Coffee & Fellowship: No coffee for July and August. Signup sheets for September to December are in the narthex.
Wider community….
June Affirming Series: Wed. June 26th - McDougall UC
Community BBQ “the open table” - outdoor
BBC & dinner communion & affirming fun
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed.
June 16, 2024
June Worship…
June 16 & 23 - Bob Gibennus
June 30th - Rev. Clint Mooney
Sunday July 7th we move outside for 10:30am worship on the lawn
Council Meeting - Wednesday June 19th @ 7pm - Upper Hall
The Memorial Service for Marg Blair will be at Lakeview UC on Tuesday June 25th, 2024 at 2pm. There will be a reception in the Upper Hall following the service. The family extends an invitation to all who knew Marg. If you are planning on attending, please confirm with the family to assist them with planning the reception. Email: honorh@shaw.ca
SUMMER SING! with Cody Obst! Every Wednesday July 10 - Aug 28th. An SATB, mixed choir experience. Cost $60 for 8 weeks or drop in for $20 for a session. See the poster on the bulletin board for details or contact Cody at cody.obst@gmail.com
Coffee & Fellowship: No coffee for July and August. Signup sheets
For September to December are in the narthex.
Wider community….
June Affirming Series: Wed. June 19th - McDougall UC
Movie Night “Nimona” - light meal, movie & discussion 6:30pm
Wed. June 26th - McDougall UC Community BBQ “the open table” -
outdoor BBC & dinner communion & affirming fun
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!!
June 2 - 9 2024
All Bible Studies will resume in the fall.
June Worship…
June 9, 16 & 23 - Bob Gibennus
June 30th - Rev. Clint Mooney
Sunday July 7th we move outside for 10:30am worship on the lawn
Would you like to be a part of the Lakeview UC Prayer Chain?
The current group would like to invite you to join the confidential prayer chain - no meetings - all communications are confidential and done through email. Please call or email Sue S.Also, if you have a request for prayers - please contact Sue
Broadview subscriptions are up for renewal (Sept 2024) If you are a subscriber or wish to start one – please contact the office at 403-242-5760
Many hands make light work …. We need volunteers June 30th (No coffee in July or August)
Thank you to all the volunteers who assisted with the garage sale - for setting up, taking down, selling, baking, pricing and everything in between. The sale raised over $3,400 which will go to the fundraising for the roof project.
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!!
May 26, 2024
Monday Morning Bible Study - has concluded for the season and will resume in September
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - will resume in October 2024
Friday morning Bible Studies - will resume in September
June Worship…
June 2nd - Communion with Rev. Clint Mooney
June 9, 16 & 23 - Bob Gibennus
June 30th - Rev. Clint Mooney
Worship on the Lawn - Sunday July 7th we move outside for 10:30am, weather permitting
Would you like to be a part of the Lakeview UC Prayer Chain? The current group would like to invite you to join the confidential prayer chain - no meetings - all communications are confidential and done through email. Please call or email Sue S. at 403-242-5760 Also, if you have a request for prayers - please contact Sue as noted above.
Lakeview UC Name tags: Need a new name tag - there is a sign up sheet in the Narthex - the cost is $5 each.
Coffee Time Helpers: Many hands make light work …. We need volunteers for June 2 & 30th (No coffee in July or August)
Thank you to all the volunteers who assisted with the garage sale - for setting up , taking down, selling, baking, pricing and everything in between, The sale raised over $3,000 which will go to the fundraising for the roof project.
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!!
May 5, 2024
Monday Morning Bible Study - has concluded for the season and will resume in September
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - will resume in October 2024
Friday morning Bible Studies 10am - Discussing “The Inconvenient Indian” by: Thomas King. Call Sue for details at 403-242-5760
May Worship…
May 5, 12 & 19 - worship leader Bob Gibennus, LLWL
May 26th - special guest Rabbi Mark Glickman with Rev. Clint Mooney
Spring Clean up Time….we are looking for volunteers who could do a little sweeping of our parking lot. Bring your broom - sweep a little section (yes just as much as you can do - not the whole parking lot!!) the piles can be swept to the side and Roger will take it from there. We would like to complete this project before May 15th …please contact Roger if you can help out 587-897-3508.
Saturday May 18th - The Annual Lakeview UC Garage Sale!! Start your decluttering and save those donations for the sale. Drop off times are Thurs. May 16th 5-8pm and Fri May 17th 2-6pm. Call the office at 403-242-5760 for donation drop offs at other times.. Looking for volunteers and bakers - sign up sheets are in the narthex.
“Sanctuary Sounds” Join Cody Obst for the final season noonhour Sanctuary Sounds Wednesday May 15th - Glorious Gershwin with guest vocalists Hannah Pagenkopf and Sara Staples at Lakeview United Church. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Our roof is leaking - the finance and Facilities Committee advise us that our flat roof is in urgent need of repair. We need to raise funds to commence the work this summer. Council has fundraising ideas, however, we need a campaign committee to put them into action. If you can help please contact Betty G or Wendy K. in the office at 403-242-5760. Thank you
Would you like to be a part of the Lakeview UC Prayer Chain?
The current group would like to invite you to join the confidential prayer chain - no meetings - all communications are confidential and done through email. Please call or email Sue S. at 403-242-5760
Also, if you have a request for prayers - please contact Sue as noted above.
Lakeview UC Name tags: Need a new name tag - there is a sign up sheet in the Narthex - the cost is $5 each.
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - The sign up sheet is in the narthex or sign up on the Website - we need volunteers to come forward for this important part of our fellowship ministry!. We are looking for groups of four people or more who would consider being in a rotation for once a month or once every two months? Choir are in the rotation for the 3rd Sunday of every month. Many hands make light work Please consider this suggestion…. there are a few in May and June (No coffee in July or August)
Upcoming Lakeview UC events….
POSTPONED - new date to be announced. A Land Acknowledgement Workshop with the Rev. Tony Snow from the Stoney Nakoda First Nation. RSVP to 403-242-5760
Also, please contact Fiona if you are able to assist with the 12:30 lunch & coffee
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!!
Wider Community…..
Knox UC - Yoga in the Sanctuary - Mondays 5:30-6:15pm - free admission - call 403-269-8382 to register
April 28, 2024
Monday Morning Bible Study - has concluded for the season and will resume in September
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - will resume in October 2024
Friday morning Bible Studies 10am - Discussing “The Inconvenient Indian” by:Thomas King. Speak with Sue for details.
Upcoming Lakeview UC events….
POSTPONED - new date to be announced. A Land Acknowledgement Workshop with the Rev. Tony Snow from the Stoney Nakoda First Nation. RSVP to 403-242-5760
Spring Clean up Time….we are looking for volunteers who could do a little sweeping of our parking lot. Bring your broom - sweep a little section (yes just as much as you can do - not the whole parking lot!!) the piles can be swept to the side and Roger will take it from there. We would like to complete this project before May 15th …please contact Roger if you can help.
Saturday May 18th - The Annual Lakeview UC Garage Sale!! Start your decluttering and save those donations for the sale. Drop off times are Thus. May 16th 5-8pm and Fri May 17th 2-6pm. Call the office at 403-242-5760 for donation drop offs at other times.. Looking for volunteers - sign up sheets are in the narthex.
“Sanctuary Sounds” Join Cody Obst for the final season noonhour Sanctuary Sounds Wednesday May 15th - Glorious Gershwin with guest vocalists Hannah Pagenkopf and Sara Staples at Lakeview United Church. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Would you like to be a part of the Lakeview UC Prayer Chain?
The current group would like to invite you to join the confidential prayer chain - no meetings - all communications are confidential and done through email. Please call or email Sue S. Also, if you have a request for prayers - please contact Sue as noted above.
Lakeview UC Name tags: Need a new name tag - there is a sign up sheet in the Narthex - the cost is $5 each.
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - The sign up sheet is in the narthex or sign up on the Website - we need volunteers to come forward for this important part of our fellowship ministry!. We are looking for groups of four people or more who would consider being in a rotation for once a month or once every two months? Choir are in the rotation for the 3rd Sunday of every month. Many hands make light work Please consider this suggestion…. there are a few in May and June (No coffee in July or August)
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!!
Wider Community…..
Woodcliff UC is hosting “Learning About Garden Flowers- Monday Apr 29th 1-2 pm @ 5010 Spruce Dr. SW. To register call 4030-249-3121
Knox UC - Yoga in the Sanctuary - Mondays 5:30-6:15pm - free admission - call 403-269-8382 to register
April 14, 2023
Monday Morning Bible Study -April 15 Session - Called to be the Church…. 10am ( in the Upper Hall. Topic: “Study follows loosely A New Creed.For information please contact Gerry S at 403-242-5760
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - will resume in October 2024
Friday morning Bible Studies 10am - Discussing “The Inconvenient Indian” by:Thomas King. Call Sue for details (403) 242-5760
Upcoming Lakeview UC events….
POSTPONED - new date to be announced. A Land Acknowledgement Workshop with the Rev. Tony Snow from the Stoney Nakoda First Nation. RSVP to 403-242-5760
Also, please contact Fiona if you are able to assist with the 12:30 lunch & coffee.
Saturday May 18th - The Annual Lakeview UC Garage Sale!! Start your decluttering and save those donations for the sale. Drop off times are Thus. May 16th 5-8pm and Fri May 17th 2-6pm. Call the office at 403-242-5760 for donation drop offs at other times..
“Sanctuary Sounds”Join Cody Obst for the monthly concert series at noonhour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds. Next date is: Wednesday May 15th - at Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Would you like to be a part of the Lakeview UC Prayer Chain?
The current group would like to invite you to join the confidential prayer chain - no meetings - all communications are confidential and done through email. Please call or email Sue S. at 403-242-5760. Also, if you have a request for prayers - please contact Sue as noted above.
Worship at Lakeview UC for the month of April:
Sunday April 14th Welcome to the Scarboro United Church Choir
Sunday April 14th - At 2:00 pm Funeral Service for Meta Lynas
Sunday April 21st - Baptism Sunday
Sunday April 28th - has been set aside for those seeking membership in
Lakeview United Church. If this is your desire, please contact Rev. Jope Langejans at 403-242-5760.
Lakeview UC Name tags: Need a new name tag - there is a sign up sheet in the Narthex - the cost is $5 each.
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - The sign up sheet is in the narthex or sign up on the Website - we need volunteers to come forward for this important part of our fellowship ministry!. We are looking for groups of four people or more who would consider being in a rotation for once a month or once every two months? Choir are in the rotation for the 3rd Sunday of every month. Many hands make light work Please consider this suggestion…. there are a few in May and June (No coffee in July or August)
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!!
Wider Community…..
Woodcliff UC is hosting “Learning About Garden Flowers- Monday Apr 29th 1-2 pm @ 5010 Spruce Dr. SW. To register call 4030-249-3121
Knox UC - Yoga in the Sanctuary - Mondays 5:30-6:15pm - free admission - call 403-269-8382 to register
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Friday April 26th, 2024 @ 7:00pm LEAF RAPIDS
For Tickets ($25 each) call 403-242-5760
Monday Morning Bible Study -April 15 Session - Called to be the Church…. 10am ( in the Upper Hall. Topic: “Study follows loosely A New Creed. For information please contact Gerry S at 403-242-5760
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - will resume in October 2024
Friday morning Bible Studies 10am - Discussing “The Inconvenient Indian” by:Thomas King. Call Sue for details (403) 242-5760
Upcoming Lakeview UC events….
POSTPONED - new date to be announced. A Land Acknowledgement Workshop with the Rev. Tony Snow from the Stoney Nakoda First Nation. RSVP to 403-242-5760
Also, please contact Fiona if you are able to assist with the 12:30 lunch & coffee
Wednesday April 17th - Council Meeting at 7pm in the lower hall boardroom
Saturday May 18th - The Annual Lakeview UC Garage Sale!! Start your decluttering and save those donations for the sale. Drop off times are Thus. May 16th 5-8pm and Fri May 17th 2-6pm. Call the office at 403-242-5760 for donation drop offs at other times..
“Sanctuary Sounds”Join Cody Obst for the monthly concert series at noon hour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds. Next date is: Wednesday, April 10th - “ The Robins Return” at Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Would you like to be a part of the Lakeview UC Prayer Chain?
The current group would like to invite you to join the confidential prayer chain - no meetings - all communications are confidential and done through email. Please call or email Sue S. at 403-242-5760 Also, if you have a request for prayers - please contact Sue.
Prayers to Meta Lynas’ family and friends on her passing, and we keep the family and friends of Marg Blair in our prayers as well on her passing.
Worship at Lakeview UC for the month of April:
Sunday April 14th Scarboro United Church Choir joining us at
Lakeview UC 10am worship service
Sunday April 14th - At 2:00 pm Funeral Service for Meta Lynas
Sunday April 21st - Baptism Sunday
Sunday April 28th - has been set aside for those seeking membership in
Lakeview United Church. If this is your desire, please contact Rev. Jope Langejans at 403-242-5760.
Lakeview UC Name tags: Need a new name tag - there is a sign up sheet in the Narthex - the cost is $5 each.
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - The sign up sheet is in the narthex or sign up on the Website - we need volunteers to come forward for this important part of our fellowship ministry!. We are looking for groups of four people or more who would consider being in a rotation for once a month or once every two months? Choir are in the rotation for the 3rd Sunday of every month. Many hands make light work Please consider this suggestion…. there are a few in May and June (No coffee in July or August)
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!!
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Friday April 26th, 2024 @ 7:00pm LEAF RAPIDS
For Tickets ($25 each) call 403-242-5760
March 31, 2024
Monday Morning Bible Study -April 1 Session - Who Works..by the Spirit 10am ( in the Upper Hall. Topic: “Study follows loosely A New Creed. For information please contact Gerry S at 403-242-5760
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - 10am - 11am - Study of JOB
Friday morning Bible Studies 10am - Discussing “The Inconvenient Indian” by: Thomas King. Call Sue for details (403) 242-5760
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - The sign up sheet is in the narthex or sign up on the Website - we need volunteers to come forward for this important part of our fellowship ministry!. We are looking for groups of four people or more who would consider being in a rotation for once a month or once every two months? Choir are in the rotation for the 3rd Sunday of every month. Many hands make light work Please consider this suggestion…. there are a few in May and June (No coffee in July or August)
“Sanctuary Sounds” Join Cody Obst for the monthly concert series at noon hour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds. Next date is: Wednesday, April 10th - “ The Robins Return” at Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Would you like to be a part of the Lakeview UC Prayer Chain?
The current group would like to invite you to join the confidential prayer chain - no meetings - all communications are confidential and done through email. Please call or email Sue S. at 403-403-242-5760. Also, if you have a request for prayers - please contact Sue.
Lakeview UC Name tags: Need a new name tag - there is a sign up sheet in the Narthex - the cost is $5 each.
Prayers to Meta Lynas’ family and friends on her passing, and we keep the family and friends of Marg Blair in our prayers as well on her passing.
Worship at Lakeview UC for the month of April:
Sunday April 7th - Communion Sunday
Sunday April 14th Scarboro United Church Choir joining us at Lakeview UC
Sunday April 14th At 2:00 pm Funeral Service for Meta Lynas
Sunday April 21st - Baptism Sunday
Sunday April 28th - has been set aside for those seeking membership in Lakeview United Church. If this is your desire, please contact Rev. Jope Langejans at 403-242-5760.
Upcoming Lakeview events….
- April 9 - at 12:30 pm A Land Acknowledgement Workshop with the Rev. Tony Snow from the Stoney Nakoda First Nation. RSVP to 403-242-5760. Also, please contact Fiona if you are able to assist with the 12:30 lunch & coffee
-Saturday May 18th - The Annual Lakeview UC Garage Sale!! Start your decluttering and save those donations for the sale. Drop off times are Thus. May 16th 5-8pm and Fri May 17th 2-6pm. Call the office at 403-242-5760 for donation drop offs at other times..
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down, make coffee, bring food and all those who just “show up” where needed!!!
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Friday April 26th, 2024 @ 7:00pm LEAF RAPIDS
For Tickets ($25 each) call 403-242-5760
March 24, 2024
Monday Morning Bible Study -April 1 Session - Who Works..by the Spirit 10am ( in the Upper Hall. Topic: “Study follows loosely A New Creed.For information please contact Gerry S at 403-242-5760
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - 10am - 11am - Study of JOB
Friday morning Bible Studies 10am - Discussing “The Inconvenient Indian” by: Thomas King. Call Sue for details (403) 242-5760
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - The sign up sheet is in the narthex or sign up on the Website - we need volunteers to come forward for this important part of our fellowship ministry!. We are looking for groups of four people or more who would consider being in a rotation for once a month or once every two months? Choir are in the rotation for the 3rd Sunday of every month. Many hands make light work Please consider this suggestion…. 1 opening in March - 31st and a few in May and June (No coffee in July or August)
Special Easter Events….
March 28th - Maundy Thursday Dinner @ 5:30 pm - sign up sheets in the narthex
March 29th - Good Friday - 10am Starting at St. Laurence Anglican Church the Walk of the Cross Silent meditation
March 31st - Easter Sunrise Service in the Weaselhead lot at 37th & 66 at 8am
March 31st - Easter Sunday Service at 10am - special service of choral music & activities for families.
“Sanctuary Sounds”Join Cody Obst for the monthly concert series at noonhour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds. Next date is: Wednesday, April 10th - Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Would you like to be a part of the Lakeview UC Prayer Chain?
The current group would like to invite you to join the confidential prayer chain - no meetings - all communications are confidential and done through email. Please call or email Sue S. at 403-242-5760. Also, if you have a request for prayers - please contact Sue as noted above.
Thursday March 28th - Maundy Thursday Mediterranean Dinner
Sign up sheets in the narthex if you would like to attend the dinner, also, sign up sheets for those who can assist with the dinner. Thank you. Everyone is invited and welcome to attend.
Lakeview UC Name tags: Need a new name tag - there is a sign up sheet in the Narthex - the cost is $5 each.
Prayers to Meta Lynas’ family and friends on her passing. Meta’s funeral will be at Lakeview UC on Sunday April 14th at 2:00pm.
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down and just “show up” where needed!!! Special thanks to all those who assisted with the Annual Meeting & lunch.
Upcoming Lakeview events….
April 9 - at 12:30 pm A Land Acknowledgement Workshop with the Rev. Tony Snow from the Stoney Nakoda First Nation. RSVP to 403-242-5760. Also, please contact Fiona if you are able to assist with the 12:30 lunch & coffee.
Saturday May 18th - The Annual Lakeview UC Garage Sale!! Start your decluttering and save those donations for the sale. Drop off times are Thus. May 16 - 5-8pm and Fri May 17 2-6pm. Call the office at 403-242-5760 for donations at other times..
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Friday April 26th, 2024 @ 7:00pm LEAF RAPIDS
For Tickets ($25 each) call 403-242-5760
Monday Morning Bible Study - March 18 Session - The Word Made Flesh 10am ( in the Upper Hall. Topic: “Study follows loosely A New Creed. For information please contact Gerry S at 403-242-5760.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - 10am - 11am - Study of JOB
Friday morning Bible Studies 10am - Discussing “The Inconvenient Indian” by: Thomas King. Call Sue for details (403) 242-5760.
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - The sign up sheet is in the narthex or sign up on the Website - we need volunteers to come forward for this important part of our fellowship ministry!. We are looking for groups of four people or more who would consider being in a rotation for once a month or once every two months? Choir are in the rotation for the 3rd Sunday of every month. Many hands make light work Please consider this suggestion…. 1 opening in March - 31st and 2 openings in April.
Special Easter Events….
March 24th - Family Palm Sunday @ 10am
March 28th - Maundy Thursday Dinner @ 6pm
March 29th - Good Friday - 10am Starting at St. Laurence Anglican Church the Walk of the Cross Silent meditation
March 31st - Easter Sunrise service at 8 am in the Weaselhead lot at 37th & 66
March 31st - Easter Sunday Service at 10am - special service of choral music & activities for families.
“Sanctuary Sounds” Join Cody Obst for the monthly concert series at noonhour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds.
Next date is: Wednesday, April 10th - Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Would you like to be a part of the Lakeview UC Prayer Chain?
The current group would like to invite you to join the confidential prayer chain - no meetings - all communications are confidential and done through email. Please call or email Sue S. Also, if you have a request for prayers - please contact Sue .
Thursday March 28th - Maundy Thursday Mediterranean Dinner
Sign up sheets in the narthex if you would like to attend the dinner, also, sign up sheets for those who can assist with the dinner. Thank you. Everyone is invited and welcome to attend.
Lakeview UC Name tags: Need a new name tag - there is a sign up sheet in the Narthex - the cost is $5 each.
Prayers to Barb Foster’s family and friends on her passing. Barb’s funeral will be held at a later date and will be announced at such time.
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down and just “show up” where needed!!! Special thanks to all those who assisted with the Annual Meeting & lunch.
Upcoming Lakeview events….
April 9 - at 12:30 pm A Land Acknowledgement Workshop with the Rev. Tony Snow from the Stoney Nakoda First Nation. RSVP to 403-242-5760
Also, please contact Fiona if you are able to assist with the 12:30 lunch & coffee at hayesf216@gmail.com
Saturday May 18th - The Annual Lakeview UC Garage Sale!! Start your decluttering and save those donations for the sale. Drop off times are Thus. May 16 - 5-8pm and Fri May 17 2-6pm. Call the office at 403-242-5760 for donations at other times..
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Next Friday March 15th, 2024 @ 7:00pm LYNNE HANSON
Friday April 26th, 2024 @ 7:00pm LEAF RAPIDS
For Tickets ($25 each) call 403-242-5760
March 3, 2024
Monday Morning Bible Study - March 4 Session 3 - Come in Jesus 10 am ( in the Upper Hall. Topic: “Study follows loosely A New Creed. For information please contact Gerry S
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - 10 am - 11 am - Study of JOB
Friday morning Bible Studies 10 am - Discussing ‘Our Story, Aboriginal Voices on Canada’s Past”, a collection of 9 stories by various indigenous authors Call Sue for details
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - The signup sheet is in the narthex or signup on the Website - we need volunteers to come forward for this important part of our fellowship ministry! We are looking for groups of four people or more who would consider being in a rotation once a month or once every two months. Choirs are in the rotation for the 3rd Sunday of every month. Many hands make light work Please consider this suggestion…. 1 opening in March - 31st and 2 openings in April…..
Special Easter Events….
March 24th - Family Palm Sunday - Interactive @ 10am
March 28th - Maundy Thursday Dinner @ 6pm
March 29th - Good Friday Walk of the Cross Silent meditation 10 am
March 31st - Easter Sunrise service in the Weaselhead lot at 37th & 66t at 8 am
March 31st - Easter Sunday Service at 10 am - special service of choral music, activities for families, egg decorating, crafts and live baby chicks!
“Sanctuary Sounds” Join Cody Obst for the monthly concert series at noonhour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds. Next date is: Wednesday, March 13th - “Be Still My Soul” Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Would you like to be a part of the Lakeview UC Prayer Chain?
The current group would like to invite you to join the confidential prayer chain - no meetings - all communications are confidential and done through email. Please call or email Sue S. Also, if you have a request for prayers - please contact Sue as noted above.
2023 AGM -The Lakeview UC Annual General meeting is today, immediately following worship in the sanctuary. Please join us for coffee and a light lunch in the Upper Hall immediately following the meeting.
Thursday, March 28th - Maundy Thursday Mediterranean Dinner
Sign up sheets in the narthex if you would like to attend the dinner, also, sign up sheets for those who can assist with the dinner. Thank you. Everyone is invited and welcome to attend.
Lakeview UC Name tags: Need a new name tag - there is a signup sheet in the Narthex - the cost is $5 each.
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who sign up, show up, work in the kitchen, set up & take down and just “show up” where needed!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Next Concerts - Friday March 15th, 2024 @ 7:00pm LYNNE HANSON
Friday April 26th, 2024 @ 7:00pm LEAF RAPIDS
For Tickets ($25 each) call 403-242-5760
February 11, 2024
Council News:
Next Council Meeting: February 21st - at 7pm in the lower hall boardroom.
Monday Morning Bible Study - Feb 19 Session 2
We Believe in God - 10 am to 11 am (meet every other Monday) in the Upper Hall. Topic: “Study follows loosely A New Creed and invites us to ask questions and promote discussion relevant to today and looks at scripture and some of the basic spiritual practices in the Christian Tradition. For more information please contact Gerry S
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - 10 am - 11 am - Study of JOB
Friday morning Bible Studies 10 am - Discussing ‘Our Story, Aboriginal Voices on Canada’s Past”, a collection of 9 stories by various indigenous authors Call Sue for details
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - The sign-up sheet is in the narthex or sign-up on the Website - we need volunteers to come forward for this important part of our fellowship ministry! Thank you for volunteering!
“Sanctuary Sounds” - Wednesday, February 14
Join Cody Obst for the monthly concert series at noonhour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds. Next date is: Wednesday, February 14th - Valentine’s Day - some of Broadway’s best songs with special guests Lauren Woods, Soprano and Adam Brousseau, Bass, at Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Desserts catered by Eclair De Lune. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Would you like to be a part of the Lakeview UC Prayer Chain?
The current group would like to invite you to join the confidential prayer chain - no meetings - all communications are confidential and done through email. Please call or email Sue S.
Also, if you have a request for prayers - please contact Sue as noted above.
Blue Bin Reminder…. always accepting donations of good used clothing,
footwear and linens…place donations in the bin by pushing up on the metal door. Thank you!
Preparing for our Lenten Journey….
● Lenten Study Books are here “ACT FAST” spiritual practices for a climate in crisis with daily reading and reflection, prayer and practice. This Lenten devotional invites us to deepen our love for Creation and take action or fast for a climate in crisis. Readings begin on Ash Wednesday, February 14th. Books available from Gerry S. at $16.00
● Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - February 13th at 5:30 pm. There are sign-up sheets for attending and volunteering in the narthex. Everyone is invited to attend….
● Ash Wednesday - February 14th - Rev. Jope will be available for the imposition of ashes starting at 1:30 pm in the sanctuary.
2023 Tax Receipts are ready for pick up. They are in the box in the narthex. Any questions regarding your receipt, please call the office at 403-242-5760
2023 AGM - in preparation for the 2023 AGM we are calling on reports from all Council Members and Team Leaders. Please submit your brief summary report of 2023 to the Lakeview email: lakeviewuc@telus.net, Reports are now due Any questions? Please contact Wendy at 403-242-5760. Thank you
Note: The Lakeview UC Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, March 3 immediately following worship. Coffee and refreshments following the meeting.
Special shout out to all you awesome volunteers who sign up and those who just “show up” when and where needed! In the kitchen - in the hall setting up and taking down - outside - upstairs - downstairs - everywhere!!
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Next Concert - Friday, February 16th, 2024 @ 7 pm - T. Buckley Trio.
February 4, 2024
Council News Next Council Meeting: February 21st - details to follow
Monday Morning Bible Study - Feb 5 @ 10 am to 11 am (meet every other Monday) in the Upper Hall. Topic: “Study follows loosely A New Creed and invites us to ask questions and promote discussion relevant to today and looks at scripture and some of the basic spiritual practices in the Christian Tradition. For more information please contact Gerry Scharff at 403-242-1712
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - 10 am - 11 am - Study of the Book of Job
Friday morning Bible Studies 10 am - Discussing ‘Our Story, Aboriginal Voices on Canada’s Past”, a collection of 9 stories by various indigenous authors Call Sue for details (403) 242-7156
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - The signup sheet is in the narthex or sign up on the Website - we need volunteers to come forward for this important part of our fellowship ministry! Thank you for volunteering!
“Sanctuary Sounds” Join Cody Obst for the monthly concert series at noon hour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds. The next date is Wednesday, February 14th - Valentine’s Day - some of Broadway’s best songs with special guests Lauren Woods, Soprano and Adam Brousseau, Bass, at Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Desserts catered by Eclair De Lune. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Would you like to be a part of the Lakeview UC Prayer Chain?
The current group would like to invite you to join the confidential prayer chain - no meetings - all communications are confidential and done through email. Please call or email Sue S. at 403-242-5760 or sspratt@telus.net Also, if you have a request for prayers - please contact Sue as noted above.
Blue Bin Reminder…. always accepting donations of good used clothing, footwear and linens…place donations in the bin by pushing up on the metal door. Thank you!
Preparing for our Lenten Journey….
● Lenten Study Books are here “ACT FAST” spiritual practices for a climate in crisis with daily reading and reflection, prayer and practice. This Lenten devotional invites us to deepen our love for Creation and take action or fast for a climate in crisis. Readings begin on Ash Wednesday, February 14th. Books available from Gerry S. at $16.00
● Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - February 13th at 5:30 pm. There are sign-up sheets for attending and volunteering in the narthex. Everyone is invited to attend….
2023 Tax Receipts are ready for pick up. They are in the box in the narthex. Any questions regarding your receipt, please call the office at 403-242-5760
2023 AGM - in preparation for the 2023 AGM we are calling on reports from all Council Members and Team Leaders. Please submit your brief summary report of 2023 to the Lakeview email: lakeviewuc@telus.net, no later than February 9th, 2024. Any questions? Please contact Wendy at 403-242-5760. Thank you
Note: The Lakeview UC Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, March 3 immediately following worship. Coffee and refreshments following the meeting.
Special shout out to all you awesome volunteers who sign up and those who just “show up” when and where needed! In the kitchen - in the hall setting up and taking down - outside - upstairs - downstairs - everywhere!!
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Next Concert - Friday, February 16th, 2024 @ 7 pm - T. Buckley Trio. Tickets are available through the office at 403-242-5760
January 2024
Council News: Next Council Meeting: January 24th @ 7:00 pm in the lower hall boardroom. (rescheduled from the 17th)
Monday Morning Bible Study - Monday, January 22, 2024 @ 10 am to 11 am (meet every other Monday) in the Upper Hall. Topic: “Women Set Free” Everyone is welcome! For more information please contact Gerry Scharff at 403-242-5760
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - 10 am - 11 am - Study of the Book of Job
Friday morning Bible Studies 10 am - Discussing ‘Our Story, Aboriginal Voices on Canada’s Past”, a collection of 9 stories by various indigenous authors Call Sue for details (403) 242-5760
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - The signup sheet is in the narthex or sign up on the Website - we need volunteers to come forward for this important part of our fellowship ministry! Thank you for volunteering!
“Sanctuary Sounds” Join Cody Obst for the monthly concert series at noon hour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds. Next date is Wednesday, February 14th – Valentine’s Day at Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Blue Bin Reminder…. always accepting donations of good used clothing, footwear and linens…place donations in the bin by pushing up on the metal door. Thank you!
Wider Community Bulletin Board…. (in the Upper Hall)
Would you like to be a part of the Lakeview UC Prayer Chain?
The current group would like to invite you to join the confidential prayer chain - no meetings - all communications are confidential and done through email. Please call or email Sue S. at 403-242-5760 or sspratt@telus.net
Also, if you have a request for prayers - please contact Sue as noted above.
2023 AGM - in preparation for the 2023 AGM we are calling on reports from all Council Members and Team Leaders. Please submit your brief summary report of 2023 to the Lakeview email: lakeviewuc@telus.net, no later than February 9th, 2024. Any questions? please contact Wendy at 403-242-5760. Thank you
Special shout out to all you awesome volunteers who sign up and those who just “show up” when and where needed! In the kitchen - in the hall - outside - upstairs - downstairs - everywhere!!
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Next Concert - February 16th, 2024 @ 7pm - T. Buckley Trio
Tickets are available through the office at 403-242-5760
January 14, 2024
Council News: Next Council Meeting: January 17th @ 7:00 pm in the lower hall boardroom.
Monday Morning Bible Study - Monday, January 22, 2024 @ 10 am to 11 am (meet every other Monday) in the Upper Hall. Topic: “Women Set Free” Everyone is welcome! For more information please contact Gerry S at 403-242-5760
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - 10 am - 11 am - Study of the Book of Job
Friday morning Bible Studies 10 am - Discussing ‘Our Story, Aboriginal Voices on Canada’s Past”, a collection of 9 stories by various indigenous authors Call Sue for details (403) 242-5760
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - The signup sheet is in the narthex or the signup is on the Website - we need volunteers to come forward for this important part of our fellowship ministry! Thank you for volunteering!
“Sanctuary Sounds” Join Cody Obst for the monthly concert series at noon hour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds. The next date is Wednesday, January 17th “Movie Music ” at Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive early to eat lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Blue Bin Reminder…. always accepting donations of good used clothing, footwear and linens…place donations in the bin by pushing up on the metal door. Thank you!
Wider Community Bulletin Board…. (in the Upper Hall)
Plan International Updates: We received some correspondence from our sponsored child - it is posted on the Plan International Bulletin Board in the narthex.
Would you like to be a part of the Lakeview UC Prayer Chain?
The current group would like to invite you to join the confidential prayer chain - no meetings - all communications are confidential and done through email. Please call or email Sue S. at 403-242-5760 or sspratt@telus.net Also, if you have a request for prayers - please contact Sue as noted above.
2023 AGM - in preparation for the 2023 AGM we are calling on reports from all Council Members and Team Leaders. Please submit your brief summary report of 2023 to the Lakeview email: lakeviewuc@telus.net, no later than February 9th, 2024. Any questions? please contact Wendy at 403-242-5760. Thank you
Special shout out to all you awesome volunteers who sign up and those who just “show up” when and where needed! In the kitchen - in the hall - outside - upstairs - downstairs - everywhere!!
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Next Show - February 16th, 2024 @ 7 pm - T. Buckley Trio
Tickets are available through the office at 403-242-5760
December 17, 2023
Council News: Next Council Meeting: January 17th @ 7:00 pm in the lower hall boardroom.
Monday Morning Bible Study - Breaking for December. Next meeting: Monday, January 8th, 2024 @ 10 am to 11 am (meet every other Monday) in the Upper Hall. Topic: Mary & Martha. Everyone is welcome! For more information please contact Gerry S.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - Will resume on January 10, 2024 - Study of the Book of Job
Friday morning Bible Studies Will resume in January. Discussing ‘Our Story, Aboriginal Voices on Canada’s Past”, a collection of 9 stories by various indigenous authors Contact Sue for details.
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - look for sign-up on the website or the bulletin board in the Narthex for 2024. Thank you for volunteering!
PLEDGEFEST 2024 Thank you to everyone who has returned a Pledgefest form - it is not too late to complete your form and submit it.
This Wednesday - “Sanctuary Sounds”Join Cody Obst in a new monthly concert series at noon hour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds on Wednesday, December 20th “ Christmas Concert” at Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Blue Bin Reminder…. always accepting donations of good used clothing, footwear and linens…place donations in the bin by pushing up on the metal door. Thank you!
Wider Community Bulletin Board…. (in the Upper Hall)
Plan International Updates: We received some correspondence from our sponsored child - it is posted on the Plan International Bulletin Board in the narthex.
Lakeview UC Advent Season….
Wednesday, December 20 - Sanctuary Sounds Christmas Concert at 12 noon
Thursday, December 21 The Longest Night at 6:00 pm (Blue Christmas)
Sunday, December 24 - Christmas Eve Family Service at 5:00 pm
Sunday, December 24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 7:00 pm
(note there will NOT be a 10 am worship service on Sunday, December 24th)
Sunday, December 31 - Worship and Eggs Benedict
Thank you to all the Bakers and Buyers who made the Bake Sale a huge success!! Over $800 was raised for the Calgary Food Bank. If you missed out last week - we still have baked goods left from last week and we will be selling those at coffee time…..
Would you like a Lakeview UC personalized name tag? There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex - please print your name and contact # and we will place the order in a couple of weeks.
Sunday, December 31 at 10 am - worship and Eggs Benedict!!
There are two sign-up sheets in the Narthex - one for attending the breakfast and the other for volunteers who can help with the breakfast.
Special shout out to all you awesome volunteers who sign up and just “show up” when and where needed!
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Next Show - February 16th, 2024 @ 7 pm - Tim Buckley Tickets are available through the office at 403-242-5760
Christmas Giving….many ways to give this Season….
Glamorgan Care Centre - For many years this has been on our radar. Melody, the wonderful Recreation Director says our Gift Cards give all year long. Petro Canada or Tim Hortons cards for $10.00 are given to residents who can go out on their own, (note the 7/11 gift machine on 37th Street does not work). Larger dollar amount cards from Tim Hortons and Walmart are greatly appreciated. Melody uses these cards to make special purchases throughout the year. Many of the residents are former street people. A marked box will be in the office for card donations. Please label the dollar amount on the card.
Please note this is the last Sunday to donate to the Giving Tree - all donations will be delivered next week - thank you to everyone for your generosity.
The Mitten/Giving Tree is up in the Narthex. This year we have placed wish cards on the tree for you to choose. The cards will have what is needed - for example: men’s socks, mitts, underwear, etc. Pick a card - or two - off the tree and drop the donation back under the tree during the Advent Season. Any donations for children will go to the Children’s Cottage and the adult donations will go to Central United Church for their distribution to the many homeless people they serve in their parish. So pick your card(s) off the tree and let’s fill all the wishes.
Good, gently used clothing is also welcomed for the Central United Church project. Just place items you wish to donate under the tree.
Council News: Next Council Meeting: January 17th @ 7:00 pm in the lower hall boardroom.
Monday Morning Bible Study - Breaking for December. Next meeting: Monday, January 8th, 2024 @ 10 am to 11 am (meet every other Monday) in the Upper Hall. Topic: Mary & Martha . Everyone is welcome! For more information please contact Gerry.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - Will resume on January 10, 2024 - Study of the Book of Job
Friday morning Bible Studies Will resume in January. Discussing ‘Our Story, Aboriginal Voices on Canada’s Past”, a collection of 9 stories by various indigenous authors Call Sue for details.
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - look for sign-up on the website or the bulletin board in the Narthex for 2024. Thank you for volunteering!
PLEDGEFEST 2024 Thank you to everyone who has returned a Pledgefest form - it is not too late to complete your form and submit it.
Mark your calendars - “Sanctuary Sounds” Join Cody Obst in a new monthly concert series at noon hour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds on Wednesday, December 20th “ Christmas Concert” at Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Blue Bin Reminder…. always accepting donations of good used clothing, footwear and linens…place donations in the bin by pushing up on the metal door. Thank you!
Wider Community Bulletin Board…. (in the Upper Hall)
Lakeview UC Advent Season….
Sunday, December 10 Advent 3 10 am JOY
Sunday, December 17 Advent 4 10 am LOVE
Wednesday, December 20 Sanctuary Sounds Christmas Concert at 12 noon
Thursday, December 21 The Longest Night at 6:00 pm (Blue Christmas)
Sunday, December 24 Christmas Eve Family Service at 5:00 pm
Sunday, December 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 7:00 pm
(note there will NOT be a 10 am worship service on Sunday, December 24th)
Sunday, December 31 Worship and Eggs Benedict
Do you have shoe boxes you could donate? Any size - to be used for the children’s activities on December 17th. Please bring them to the church and leave them in the Narthex - contact Janet. Thank you
Would you like a Lakeview UC personalized name tag? There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex - please print your name and contact # and we will place the order in a couple of weeks.
Sunday, December 31 at 10 am - Worship and Eggs Benedict!!
There are two sign-up sheets in the Narthex - one for attending the breakfast and the other for volunteers who can help with the breakfast.
Special shout out to all you awesome volunteers who sign up and
just “show up” when and where needed!
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Next Show - February 16th, 2024 @ 7 pm - Tim Buckley. Tickets are available through the office at 403-242-5760
Christmas Giving….many ways to give this Season….
1) Glamorgan Care Centre - For many years this has been on our radar. Melody, the wonderful Recreation Director says our Gift Cards give all year long. Petro Canada or Tim Hortons cards for $10.00 are given to residents who can go out on their own, (note the 7/11 gift machine on 37th Street does not work). Larger dollar amount cards from Tim Hortons and Walmart are greatly appreciated. Melody uses these cards to make special purchases throughout the year. Many of the residents are former street people. A marked box will be in the office for card donations. Please label the dollar amount on the card.
2) The Mitten/Giving Tree is up in the Narthex. This year we have placed wish cards on the tree for you to choose. The cards will have what is needed - for example: men’s socks, mitts, underwear, etc. Pick a card - or two - off the tree and drop the donation back under the tree during Advent Season. Any donations for children will go to the Children’s Cottage and the adult donations will go to Central United Church for their distribution to the many homeless people they serve in their parish. So pick your card(s) off the tree and let’s fill all the wishes.
3) Good, gently used clothing is also welcomed for the Central United Church project. Just place items you wish to donate under the tree.
Christmas Bake Sale
Bakers - bake and buy!! TODAY - Sunday, December 10th, bring your creations, packaged to sell. A table will be set up during Coffee/Fellowship time for you to do a little buying. Cash only, please. All proceeds will go to the Calgary Food Bank. Please know that every $1 donated buys $3.50 worth of food!!
Thank you for making someone’s Christmas brighter!!!
Do your kids and grandkids know the true story of Christmas? Do they know Jesus was not born at the North Pole and Santa Claus did not bring toys to the baby in Bethlehem? On Sunday December 17, all the kids are invited to come and learn about the symbols of Christmas and hear the real story of Christmas. We will do crafts and retell the wonderful story of Peace and Joy through the baby Jesus. Join us on Sunday, December 17 during the 10:00 am service.
Did you read the message above? If you did, then you will know that we are having a special program for children on Sunday, December 17th, during service. Do you have a special Christmas craft you would like to share, or maybe one you remember from another Christmas event? Do you enjoy getting down with the little ones and aren’t afraid of a few gobs of gold glitter glue in your hair? Or can you help direct traffic as we prepare the telling of the story? Please let Janet know if you can help. All offers are appreciated.
Family Service Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24th 5:00 pm. Are you able to attend the 5:00pm service? I am looking for volunteers to help with the Christmas pageant. No experience necessary. No lines to memorize. No Oscar performance, mainly stand and look angelic, unless you are being an ………. donkey. Contact: Janet.
November 2023
Council News: Next Council Meeting: January 17th @ 7:00 pm in the lower hall boardroom.
Monday Morning Bible Study - Next meeting: Monday Nov. 27th @ 10am to 11am (meet every other Monday) in the Upper Hall. Topic: Women Disciples.. Everyone is welcome! For more information please contact Gerry S .
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - at 10am - Study of Revelation. The study is in the upper hall next Wednesday.
Friday morning Bible Studies are meeting at 10am in the Upper Hall. We will be starting to discuss ‘Our Story, Aboriginal Voices on Canada’s Past”, a collection of 9 stories by various indigenous authors Call Sue for details.
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - look for sign up on the website or on the bulletin board in the Narthex for 2024. Thank you for volunteering !
Have you never, ever….signed up to host Sunday Coffee? Paige M and Beckie S are looking for another pair of hands to help on Sunday Nov. 26; preferably someone who has not done this before, they would be happy to show you the ropes. Please contact Paige.
PLEDGEFEST 2024 Thank you to everyone who has returned a Pledgefest form - it is not too late to complete your form and submit it.
Mark your calendars - “Sanctuary Sounds” Join Cody Obst in a new monthly concert series at noonhour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds on Wednesday, December 20th “ Christmas Concert” at Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Special thanks to all the soup makers, volunteers who set up, cleaned up and washed dishes and everything in between. We raised $355.00 for the Veterans Food Bank Fund.
Christmas Light Outdoor Set Up… TODAY !!
It is time to set up the outdoor light display. Please lend a hand after
service/coffee TODAY.. Many hands make light work. Dress warmly!!
Blue Bin Reminder…. always accepting donations of good used clothing,
footwear and linens…place donations in the bin by pushing up on the metal
door. Thank you!
Wider Community Bulletin Board…. (in the Upper Hall)
- Hillhurst UC - Nov. 28th at 7:00 pm Stephen Kakfwi will share his incredible story in a night of song, reading and reflection. See full details on the Wider Community Board in the Upper Hall.
- Wisdom Centre Event - Dec 1 at 7:00 pm at Christ Church Calgary See the bulletin board for complete details and ticket information
- TAIZE - Evening Prayer for Advent - Sunday Nov 26th at 7:30pm St. Laurence Anglican Church
5940 Lakeview Dr. SW
- Knox UC - Carol Festival - Dec. 2 -4 7:00 pm - see the posted on the Wider Community Board in the Upper Hall
Lakeview UC Advent Season….
Sunday November 26 Advent 1 10am HOPE
Sunday December 3 Advent 2 10am PEACE & COMMUNION
Sunday December 10 Advent 3 10am JOY
Sunday December 17 Advent 4 10am LOVE
Wednesday December 20 - Sanctuary Sounds Christmas Concert at 12 noon
Thursday December 21 The Longest Night at 6:00 pm (Blue Christmas)
Sunday December 24 - Christmas Eve Family Service at 5:00 pm
Sunday December 24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 7:00 pm
(note there will NOT be a 10am worship service on Sunday December 24th)
Sunday December 31 - Worship and Eggs Benedict
Special shout out to all you awesome volunteers who sign up and just “show up” when and where needed!
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Sunday Dec.3, 2023 - Horizon Ridge - Christmas Concert
Advance Tickets at 403-242-5760 or at the door … $25.00
Council News: Next Council Meeting: November 15th @ 7:00 pm in the lower hall boardroom.
Monday Morning Bible Study - Next meeting: Monday, Nov. 13th @ 10 am to 11 am (meet every other Monday) in the Upper Hall. Topic: Mary of Nazareth. Everyone is welcome! For more information please contact Gerry S.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - at 10 am - Study of Revelation. The study is in the upper hall next Wednesday.
Friday morning Bible Studies are meeting at 10 am in the Upper Hall. We will be starting to discuss ‘Our Story, Aboriginal Voices on Canada’s Past”, a collection of 9 stories by various indigenous authors Call Sue for details.
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - look for sign-up on the website or on the bulletin board in the Narthex. for 2024. Thank you for volunteering!
PLEDGEFEST 2024 Please return your completed Pledgefest letters today, November 12th, 2023. We thank you for your continued financial support and in the many ways you support the mission & goals of Lakeview UC.
Your financial contributions so far in 2023:
2023 Annual Budget: $ 167,021
Income to October 31/23 $ 149,386
Mark your calendars - “Sanctuary Sounds” Join Cody Obst in a new monthly concert series at noonhour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds on Wednesday, December 20th “ Christmas Concert” at Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
“Tis the Baroque Season - Saturday, Nov. 18th, 7:00 pm at Lakeview UC. Baroque vocal quartet with Cody Obst - see the poster for tickets and information. Tickets at the door $20 (cash only)
Special thanks to all the soup makers, volunteers who set up, cleaned up and washed dishes and everything in between. We raised $354.00 for the Veterans Food Bank Fund.
Tour the Tsuu T'ina Museum
Getting to know our neighbours - we have booked a tour of the Tsuu T'ina Culture Museum (see www.tsuutinamuseum.com) for 1:30 pm on Thursday, November 16th. Carpooling from the church will be available. Cost $10 for seniors and children & $20 for adults. Please contact Fiona at 403-686-2030 or the office at 403-242-5760 to reserve your spot.
Christmas Light Outdoor Set Up…
It is time to set up the outdoor light display. Please lend a hand after service/coffee on Sunday, November 19th. Many hands make light work. Dress warmly!!
Blue Bin Reminder…. always accepting donations of good used clothing, footwear and linens…place donations in the bin by pushing up on the metal door. Thank you!
Wider Community…..
Wisdom Centre Event - Dec 1 at 7:00 pm at Christ Church Calgary
See the bulletin board for complete details and ticket information
TAIZE - Evening Prayer for Advent - Sunday, Nov 26th at 7:30 pm
St. Laurence Anglican Church (5940 Lakeview Dr. SW )
Red Deer Lake UC Country Handcrafted Market, Turkey Supper and Online Auction - Nov 18 - see the poster for details
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Sunday, Dec.3, 2023 - Horizon Ridge - Christmas Concert Advance Tickets at 403-242-5760 or at the door … $25.00
October 29, 2023
Council News: Next Council Meeting: November 15th @ 7:00 pm in the lower hall boardroom.
Monday Morning Bible Study - Next meeting: Monday Oct. 30th @ 10am to 11:30 (meet every other Monday) in the Upper Hall. Topic: Women at the birth of Jesus. Everyone is welcome! For more information please contact
Gerry Scharff at 403-242-1712
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - at 10am - Study of Revelation. The study is in the lower hall boardroom next Wednesday.
Friday morning Bible Studies are meeting at 10am in the Upper Hall. We will be starting to discuss ‘Our Story, Aboriginal Voices on Canada’s Past”, a collection of 9 stories by various indigenous authors Call Sue for details (403) 242-7156
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - We are looking for volunteers to fill the November 12th spot (just became available) - sign up on the website or on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Thank you for volunteering !
October at Lakeview UC will be “ Thanksgiving Month”
This is our last Sunday for Food Bank collections. Thank you for your generosity in filling the boxes.
PLEDGEFEST 2024 Please return your completed Pledgefest letters no later than November 12th, 2023. We thank you for your continued financial support and in the many ways you support the mission & goals of Lakeview UC.
Your financial contributions so far in 2023 have contributed $ 8080.00 to various charities we support through the Reaching Out Fund.
Mark your calendars - “Sanctuary Sounds” Join Cody Obst in a new monthly concert series at noonhour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds on Wednesday, November 8th “Remember Them” at Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Join us next Sunday November 5th for the Remembrance Day Service and you are invited to stay after the service for a “Soup Lunch” hosted by the ladies from the former St. Matthew’s UC. Free will offering will go to support the Veterans Food Bank. Everyone is welcome!!
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands on instructions available. Without volunteers we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information… 403-242-5760
Blue Bin Reminder…. always accepting donations of good used clothing, footwear and linens…place donations in the bin by pushing up on the metal door. Thank you!
TIME CHANGE REMINDER….NEXT SUNDAY AT 2AM WE TURN OUR CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR….remember to adjust your clocks before going to bed Saturday evening!!
Wider community…
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Sunday Dec.3, 2023 - Horizon Ridge - Christmas Concert Advance Tickets at 403-242-5760 or at the door … $25.00
October 22, 2023
Council News: Next Council Meeting: November 15th @ 7:00 pm in the lower hall boardroom.
Monday Morning Bible Study - Next meeting: Monday, Oct. 30th @ 10 am to 11:30 (meet every other Monday) in the Upper Hall. Topic: Women at the birth of Jesus. Everyone is welcome! For more information please contact Gerry S or contact the office at (403) 242-5760
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - has resumed at 10 am - Study of Revelation. The study is in the lower hall boardroom.
Friday morning Bible Studies are meeting at 10 am in the Upper Hall. We will be starting to discuss ‘Our Story, Aboriginal Voices on Canada’s Past”, a collection of 9 stories by various indigenous authors Speak with Sue for details or call the office at (403) 242-5760
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - We are looking for volunteers for a few spots in December - sign up on the website or on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Thank you for volunteering!
October at Lakeview UC will be “ Thanksgiving Month”
We will be collecting items for the Calgary Food Bank for the month. Accepting all new, current-dated food items, including pet food. No open food items, please.
PLEDGEFEST 2024 Please pick up your letter and return it no later than November 12th, 2023. We thank you for your continued financial support and in the many ways you support the mission & goals of Lakeview UC.
Your financial contributions so far in 2023 have contributed $ 8,891.00 to the UCC M&S Fund. An example of what those funds do…..
Fifty-three-year-old Anert Mwenda is a bubbly and cheerful clothing trader in Syokimau, Kenya. Her path from housewife to entrepreneur has been filled with barriers, but with the help of Mission and Service partner Ecumenical Church Loan Fund (ECLOF), her business is flourishing.
Mark your calendars - “Sanctuary Sounds” Join Cody Obst in a new monthly concert series at noon hour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds on Wednesday, November 8th, at Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Join us on Sunday, November 5th for the Remembrance Day Service and you are invited to stay after the service for a “Soup Lunch” hosted by the ladies from the former St. Matthew’s UC. Free will offering will go to support the Veterans Food Bank. Everyone is welcome!!
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands-on instructions available. Without volunteers, we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information… (403) 242-5760
Blue Bin Reminder…. always accepting donations of good used clothing, footwear and linens…place donations in the bin by pushing up on the metal door. Thank you!
Wider community…
UJAMAA GRANDMAS - Fri. Oct. 27 @ 1pm - 7pm & Sat. Oct. 28th @ 10am - 3pm . Bags, Babies, & Beyond Sale - beautiful handcrafted items for sale. Marda Loop Comm. Assoc. 3130 16th St SW. See the poster on the bulletin board for full details.
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Sunday Dec.3, 2023 - Horizon Ridge - Christmas Concert Advance Tickets at 403-242-5760 or at the door … $25.00
October 15, 2023
Council News: Next Council Meeting: November 15th @ 7:00 pm in the lower hall boardroom.
Monday Morning Bible Study - Next meeting: Monday, Oct. 16th @ 10 am in the Upper Hall. This fall we will be looking at some obscure and some familiar women in the New Testament. Bring your bible - we use different translations. It will be interesting… Everyone is welcome!
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - has resumed at 10 am - Study of Revelation. The study is in the lower hall boardroom.
Friday morning Bible Studies are meeting at 10 am in the Upper Hall. Contact Sue.
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - We are looking for volunteers and there is October 22nd open and a few spots in December - sign up on the website or on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Thank you for volunteering !
October at Lakeview UC will be “ Thanksgiving Month”
Sunday, October 1 we will be collecting items for the Calgary Food Bank for the month. Accepting all new, current-dated food items, including pet food. No open food items please.
PLEDGEFEST 2024 We have prepared the letters for Pledgefest 2024. They are available for pick up today and we ask that you kindly complete the letter and return it no later than November 12th, 2023. We thank you for your continued financial support and in the many ways you support the mission & goals of Lakeview UC.
Your financial contributions so far in 2023 have contributed $ 8,891.00 to the UCC M&S Fund. An example of what those funds do…..
Fifty-three-year-old Anert Mwenda is a bubbly and cheerful clothing trader in Syokimau, Kenya. Her path from housewife to entrepreneur has been filled with barriers, but with the help of Mission and Service partner Ecumenical Church Loan Fund (ECLOF), her business is flourishing.
Mark your calendars - “Sanctuary Sounds” Join Cody Obst in a new monthly concert series at noon hour! Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds on Wednesday, November 8th, at Lakeview United Church, at noon. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
Join us on Sunday November 5th for the Remembrance Day Service and you are invited to stay after the service for a “Soup Lunch” hosted by the ladies from the former St. Matthew’s UC. Free will offering will go to support the Veterans Food Bank. Everyone is welcome!!
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands on instructions available. Without volunteers we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information… 403-242-5760
Blue Bin Reminder…. always accepting donations of good used clothing, footwear and linens…place donations in the bin by pushing up on the metal door. Thank you!
Wider community…
Beef Dinner & Variety Show at Robert McClure UC - Saturday Oct. 21 Dinner @ 5:30 pm - show @ 7:00pm
Tickets $25, call 403-280-9500 - See the poster on the bulletin board.
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Sunday Dec.3, 2023 - Horizon Ridge - Christmas Concert
Tickets at 403-242-5760 or at the door … $25.00
Seasons Ticket Packs are available - 5 concerts for $100.00
October 8, 2023
Happy Thanksgiving
OFFICE HOURS: Mon & Wed 10:30 - 3:30 Tues & Fridays 10 - 3 pm (Closed Statutory Holidays)
Note: The offices will be closed on Monday, October 9th for Thanksgiving.
Council News: Next Council Meeting: November 15th @ 7:00 pm in the lower hall boardroom.
Monday Morning Bible Study - Next meeting: Monday, Oct. 16th @ 10 am in the Upper Hall. This fall we will be looking at some obscure and some familiar women in the New Testament. Bring your bible - we use different translations. It will be interesting… Everyone is welcome!
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - starts Wednesday, October 11 at 10 am - Study of Revelation
Friday morning Bible Studies are meeting at 10 am in the Upper Hall. Call Sue for details (403) 242-5760
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - We are looking for volunteers and there are spaces left for the fall - sign up on the website or on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Thank you for volunteering!
October at Lakeview UC will be “ Thanksgiving Month”
Sunday, October 1 we will be collecting items for the Calgary Food Bank for the month. Accepting all new, current-dated food items, including pet food. No open food items, please.
PLEDGEFEST will launch this month. We have prepared the letters for Pledgefest 2024. They are available for pick up today and we ask that you kindly complete the letter and return it no later than November 12th, 2023. We thank you for your continued financial support and in the many ways you support the mission & goals of Lakeview UC.
Lakeview UC Choir practices have resumed on Thursdays at 7:30 pm. Come sing with us!!
Mark your calendars - “Sanctuary Sounds” Join Cody Obst in a new monthly concert series at noon hour! The first Sanctuary Sounds will feature reflective, beautiful, elegiac, contemporary, and exuberant sounds on Wednesday, October 11th, at Lakeview United Church, at noon. See the poster below for details. Arrive a bit early to eat your lunch, visit, and have some coffee or tea. Come, relax, and enjoy music’s beauty and power through the artistry of music director and pianist, Cody Obst.
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands on instructions available. Without volunteers we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information… 403-242-5760
Blue Bin Reminder…. always accepting donations of good used clothing, footwear and linens…place donations in the bin by pushing up on the metal door. Thank you!
Wider community…
Beef Dinner & Variety Show at Robert McClure UC - Saturday, Oct. 21 Dinner @ 5:30 pm - show @ 7:00 pm
Tickets $25, call 403-280-9500 - See the poster on the bulletin board.
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Friday, October 13th @7pm- Over The Moon
Tickets at 403-242-5760 or at the door … $25.00
Seasons Ticket Packs are available - 5 concerts for $100.00
SCRIPTURE READINGS: Sunday, October 15th, 2023
World Food Sunday & 20th after Pentecost
EXODUS 32:1-14 PHILIPPIANS 4: 1-9 MATTHEW 22: 1-14
October 1, 2023
World Wide Communion
Council News: We are pleased to welcome Betty Gourlay to Council. Betty will take on the role as Council Secretary. Thank you and welcome!
Next Council Meeting: November 15th @ 7:00 pm in the lower hall boardroom.
Monday Morning Bible Study - Begins Monday, September 25th at 10 am in the Upper Hall. We will be reviewing the Book of Judith. Please contact Nancy G. for questions or more information.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study - starts Wednesday, October 11 at 10 am - Study of Revelation
Friday morning Bible Studies have started. Please contact Sue for details on time and location. Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - We are looking for volunteers for the fall - sign up on the website or on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Thank you for volunteering!
October at Lakeview UC will be “ Thanksgiving Month”
Sunday, October 1 we will be collecting items for the Calgary Food Bank for the month. Accepting all new, current-dated food items, including pet food.
Sunday, October 8th - Thanksgiving Worship Service
Join us on Thursday, October 5th at 1 pm in the Lakeview UC sanctuary for an inspiring talk with the Rev. Vicki McPhee. She will share her incredible journey as an Ecumenical Accompanier with the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel, a program of the World Council of Churches.
During her 3 month volunteer service in Hebron, a city at the heart of the Occupation of the West Bank by the State of Israel, Rev. Vicki reported on human rights violations and breaches of international humanitarian law. Her first-hand experiences provide invaluable insights into the impact of the occupation. Everyone is invited to join.
PLEDGEFEST will launch this month. We are preparing the letters for Pledgefest 2024. We are simplifying the process this year with just one letter to each family. Letters will be available for pick up on October 8 and we ask that you kindly complete the letter and return it no later than November 12th, 2023. We thank you for your continued financial support and in the many ways you support the mission & goals of Lakeview UC.
Lakeview UC Choir practices have resumed on Thursdays at 7:30 pm. Come sing with us!!
Found…. two outdoor lawn chairs - white frames with multi-coloured fabric. They are at the entrance for you to claim.
Sunday Service videography - We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands on instructions available. Without volunteers we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information… 403-242-5760
Blue Bin Reminder…. always accepting donations of good used clothing, footwear and linens…place donations in the bin by pushing up on the metal door. Thank you!
Weaselhead Presents! Concert Series
Friday, October 13th @7pm- Over The Moon
Tickets at 403-242-5760 or at the door … $25.00
OFFICE HOURS: Mon & Wed 10:30 - 3:30, Tues & Fridays 10 - 3 pm
(Closed Statutory Holidays)
Council News: We are still looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Council Secretary, Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. We are hoping to find a new Council Secretary for the September meeting. Council meets 6 times per year and the Council Secretary prepares the agenda, takes the minutes and prepares the minutes for distribution. Please give consideration to this important Council role.
Next Council Meeting: Council will break for summer and meet September 20/23. Please call the office at 403-242-5760 if you are interested or have any questions regarding any of these positions.
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands on instructions available. Without volunteers we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information… 403-242-5760
It is time to update our Lakeview United Church directory. We are proceeding with a new directory. The picture taking will be Sept 11th, 12th and 13th. If you wish to participate, appointments can be booked on Sunday August 13, 20 & 27th. Time slots will be every ½ hour - 15 minutes for photo shoot and 15 minutes for viewing. If you are unable to book on one of these Sundays, please contact Nancy G. @ 403-249-0505.
So far, we have had several loads picked up….keep those donations coming….
You may have already noticed the Blue Donation Bin in the lot. We encourage you to donate your “stuff” - you can donate all your good used clothes/shoes/boots/outerwear/linens/towels. The bin will be emptied every week, weighed and we will be paid for every pound of donations. Every item will be repurposed and will not end up in landfill.
Note* NO household items, dishes, etc. can be donated.
Bags only - no boxes - and in the bin please. Help us fill the bin each week!!
Worship continues outdoors to enjoy the beauty of the summer days….
Through to Sunday September 3, 2023 - starting at 10:30am - bring your lawn chair - bring your coffee to enjoy on the lawn! (no coffee service during the summer)
Service Schedule:
Aug. 20, 27 - Rev. Jope
Sept. 3 & 10 - Bob Gibennus
All outdoor services are weather and air quality permitting - should we move indoors the start time will still be 10:30am.
ICE CREAM …..ICE CREAM….. WE ALL SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM! Please join us TODAY - August 20th, immediately following worship service on the lawn for a favorite summer time treat.
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - will break for the summer months. We are looking for volunteers starting Sunday September 10th - sign up on the website or on the bulletin board in the Narthex. For the summer worship Services outdoors - please bring your coffee to enjoy during the service!
Broadview newsletter updates:
Did you know that because of Meta and Google’s response to Bill C-18 you’re being locked out of Canadian news on social media? That will likely include all of Broadview’s stories too. In light of these drastic changes, the best way to ensure you can continue to access digital stories that nourish your mind and heart is to sign up for one or more of Broadview’s FREE newsletters. This includes The Focus, which exclusively delivers United Church news. Don’t wait! Sign up at: Broadview.org/newsletter
A very special thank you to Roger Scroggins and his granddaughter (Halina) for repainting our bench from St. Matthew’s. All helping hands are appreciated...especially the little ones!!
July 13, 2023
OFFICE HOURS: Mon & Wed 10:30 - 3:30, Tues & Fridays 10 - 3 pm
(Closed Statutory Holidays)
Council News: We are still looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Council Secretary, Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. We are hoping to find a new Council Secretary for the September meeting. Council meets 6 times per year and the Council Secretary prepares the agenda, takes the minutes and prepares the minutes for distribution. Please give consideration to this important Council role.
Next Council Meeting: Council will break for summer and meet September 20/23. Please call the office at 403-242-5760 if you are interested or have any questions regarding any of these positions.
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands on instructions available. Without volunteers, we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information call 403-242-5760
It is time to update our Lakeview United Church directory. We are proceeding with a new directory. The picture taking will be Sept 11th, 12th and 13th. If you wish to participate, appointments can be booked on Sunday, August 13, 20 & 27th. Time slots will be every ½ hour - 15 minutes for photoshoot and 15 minutes for viewing. If you are unable to book on one of these Sundays, please contact Nancy G. @ 403-242-5760
So far, we have had several loads picked up….keep those donations coming….
You may have already noticed the Blue Donation Bin in the lot. We encourage you to donate your “stuff” - you can donate all your good used clothes/shoes/boots/outerwear/linens/towels. The bin will be emptied every week, weighed and we will be paid for every pound of donations. Every item will be repurposed and will not end up in landfill.
Note* NO household items, dishes, etc. can be donated. Bags only - no boxes - and in the bin please. Help us fill the bin each week!!
Worship continues outdoors to enjoy the beauty of the summer days….
through to Sunday September 3, 2023 - starting at 10:30am - bring your lawn chair - bring your coffee to enjoy on the lawn! (no coffee service during the summer)
Service Schedule:
Aug. 13, 20, 27 - Rev. Jope
Sept. 3 & 10 - Bob Gibennus
All outdoor services are weather and air quality permitting - should we move indoors the start time will still be 10:30am.
ICE CREAM …..ICE CREAM….. WE ALL SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM! Please join us Sunday August 20th, immediately following worship service on the lawn for a favorite summer time treat.
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - will break for the summer months. We are looking for volunteers starting Sunday September 10th - sign up on the website or on the bulletin board in the Narthex. For the summer worship Services outdoors - please bring your coffee to enjoy during the service!
Broadview newsletter updates:
Did you know that because of Meta and Google’s response to Bill C-18 you’re being locked out of Canadian news on social media? That will likely include all of Broadview’s stories too. In light of these drastic changes, the best way to ensure you can continue to access digital stories that nourish your mind and heart is to sign up for one or more of Broadview’s FREE newsletters. This includes The Focus, which exclusively delivers United Church news. Don’t wait! Sign up at: Broadview.org/newsletter
A very special thank you to Roger Scroggins and his granddaughter (Halina) for repainting our bench from St. Matthew’s. All helping hands are appreciated...especially the little ones!!
Summer Announcements
OFFICE HOURS: Mon & Wed 10:30 - 3:30, Tues & Fridays 10 - 3 pm
(Closed Statutory Holidays)
Council News: We are still looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Council Secretary, Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. We are hoping to find a new Council Secretary for the September meeting. Council meets 6 times per year and the Council Secretary prepares the agenda, takes the minutes and prepares the minutes for distribution. Please give consideration to this important Council role.
Next Council Meeting: Council will break for summer and meet September 20/23. Please call the office at 403-242-5760 if you are interested or have any questions regarding any of these positions.
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands on instructions available. Without volunteers, we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information call 403-242-5760
It is time to update our Lakeview United Church directory. We are proceeding with a new directory. The picture taking will be Sept 11th, 12th and 13th. If you wish to participate, appointments can be booked on Sunday, August 13, 20 & 27th. Time slots will be every ½ hour - 15 minutes for photoshoot and 15 minutes for viewing. If you are unable to book on one of these Sundays, please contact Nancy G. @ 403-242-5760
So far, we have had four full bin pick-ups….keep those donations coming….
You may have already noticed the Blue Donation Bin in the lot. We encourage you to donate your “stuff” - you can donate all your good used clothes/shoes/boots/outerwear/linens/towels. The bin will be emptied every week, weighed and we will be paid for every pound of donations. Every item will be repurposed and will not end up in landfill.
Note* NO household items, dishes, etc. can be donated.
Bags only - no boxes - and in the bin, please. Help us fill the bin each week!!
Worship has moved outdoors to enjoy the beauty of the summer days….
Starting Sunday, July 2 through to Sunday, September 3, 2023 - starting at 10:30 am - bring your lawn chair - bring your coffee to enjoy on the lawn! (no coffee service during the summer)
Service Schedule: Aug. 6 - Rev. Clint Mooney
Aug. 13, 20, 27 - Rev. Jope
Sept. 3 & 10 - Bob Gibennus
All outdoor services are weather and air quality permitting - should we move indoors the start time will still be 10:30 am.
Learn more about our Indigenous neighbours…please join us today - Sunday, July 16th following worship service for an open discussion on how to learn more about our Indigenous neighbours.
July 26th - 30th - Tsuut’ina Nation 50 Years Powwow Annual Celebration at Redwood Meadows Fairground. For more information please contact: WENDY.TWOGUNS@TSUUTINA.COM
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - will break for the summer months. We are looking for volunteers starting Sunday September 10th - sign up on the website or on the bulletin board in the Narthex. For the summer worship Services outdoors - please bring your coffee to enjoy during the service!
July 9, 2023
Council News: We are still looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Council Secretary, Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. We are hoping to find a new Council Secretary for the September meeting. Council meets 6 times per year and the Council Secretary prepares the agenda, takes the minutes and prepares the minutes for distribution. Please give consideration to this important Council role.
Next Council Meeting: Council will break for summer and meet September 20/23. Please call the office at 403-242-5760 if you are interested or have any questions regarding any of these positions.
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands on instructions available. Without volunteers we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information… 403-242-5760
It is time to update our Lakeview United Church directory. We are proceeding with a new directory. The picture taking will be Sept 11th, 12th and 13th. If you wish to participate, appointments can be booked on Sunday August 13, 20 & 27th. Time slots will be every ½ hour - 15 minutes for photo shoot and 15 minutes for viewing. If you are unable to book on one of these Sundays, please contact Nancy G. through the Church Office at 403-242-5760.
So far, we have had four full bin pick ups….keep those donations coming….
You may have already noticed the Blue Donation Bin in the lot. We encourage you to donate your “stuff” - you can donate all your good used clothes/shoes/boots/outerwear/linens/towels. The bin will be emptied every week, weighed and we will be paid for every pound of donations. Every item will be repurposed and will not end up in landfill.
Note* NO household items, dishes, etc. can be donated.
Bags only - no boxes - and in the bin please. Help us fill the bin each week!!
Families are always welcome at Lakeview UC! Janet L. will be away from June 18 - July 16 and again July 30. Toys and craft materials are available in the “Children’s Corner” in the sanctuary and at the children’s table in the Narthex. Balls and materials for outside are on the children’s table; play dough is in the fridge in the kitchen (please do not return used play dough to the fridge for health reasons). If you are new to the church, ask any member of the congregation for assistance locating these materials, Feel free to use any of the available materials.
Worship has moved outdoors to enjoy the beauty of the summer days….
Starting Sunday, July 2 through to Sunday, September 3, 2023 - starting at 10:30 am - bring your lawn chair - bring your coffee to enjoy on the lawn! (no coffee service during the summer)
Service Schedule: Aug. 6 - Rev. Clint Mooney
Aug. 13, 20, 27 - Rev. Jope
Sept. 3 & 10 - Bob Gibennus
All outdoor services are weather and air quality permitting - should we move indoors the start time will still be 10:30 am.
Learn more about our Indigenous neighbours…please join us on Sunday, July 16th following worship service for an open discussion on how to learn more about our Indigenous neighbours.
Sunday Coffee time and fellowship - will break for the summer months. We are looking for volunteers starting Sunday, September 10th - sign up on the website or on the bulletin board in the Narthex. For the summer worship Services outdoors - please bring your coffee to enjoy during the service!
June 25, 2023
Council News: We are still looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. Please contact the office if you are interested 403-242-5760.
Next Council Meeting: Council will then break for summer and meet September 20/23
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands on instructions available. Without volunteers we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information… 403-242-5760
We feel it is time to update our Lakeview United Church directory. We are proceeding with a new directory. The picture taking will be Sept 11th, 12th and 13th. Please make note of these days and there will be further communication coming out for booking your photo time. Peggy G. and Nancy G. will be setting this up. If you wish to find out more information you may contact Nancy or Peggy through the office at 403-242-5760.
So far, we have had three full bin pick ups….keep those donations coming….
You may have already noticed the Blue Donation Bin in the lot. We encourage you to donate your “stuff” - you can donate all your good used clothes/shoes/boots/outerwear/linens/towels. The bin will be emptied every week, weighed and we will be paid for every pound of donations. Every item will be repurposed and will not end up in landfill.
Note* NO household items, dishes, etc. can be donated.
Bags only - no boxes - and in the bin please. Help us fill the bin each week!!
If you currently subscribe to Broadview - you will have received notice for the renewal. Current subscriptions end September 2023. The rate is $30 and cheques (no cash) are made out to Broadview and can be put in the offering “marked Broadview” on Sunday or dropped by the office. If you are interested in a new subscription to Broadview, please contact the office at 403-242-5760. Deadline for renewals is June 30th. Thank you.
A big thank you to flower donors, gardeners, and mulch spreaders: Beckie and Roger S.; Paige M.; Beth E., Gerry S.; Leslie B.;, Jean S.; Pat W. and Fiona, Sean and Eric H. The churchyard is looking really good thanks to all your efforts! Thanks also to Judy K. for heading up the project!!
Ploughshares June 2023 Newsletter is posted on the board
or you can visit their website for a copy.
“Bow River Handbell Musicians Society” is looking for new ringers! Visit their website at www.BowRiverHandbells.ca for information if you are interested.
Families are always welcome at Lakeview UC! Janet L. will be away from June 18 - July 16 and again on July 30. Toys and craft materials are available in the “Children’s Corner” in the sanctuary and at the children’s table in the Narthex. Balls and materials for outside are on the children’s table; play dough is in the fridge in the kitchen (please do not return used play dough to the fridge for health reasons). If you are new to the church, ask any member of the congregation for assistance locating these materials, Feel free to use any of the available materials.
Choir will wrap up for the summer on June 25th - watch for start-up details in September!
Summer is approaching and we will be moving worship to the outdoors to enjoy the beauty of the summer days….
Starting Sunday, July 2 through to Sunday, September 3, 2023 - starting at 10:30 am - bring your lawn chair - bring your coffee to enjoy on the lawn! (no coffee service during the summer)
Service Schedule: July 2,9, & 16 - Rev. Jope
July 23 - Lakeview Choir
July 30 & Aug. 6 - Rev. Clint Mooney
Aug. 13, 20, 27 - Rev. Jope
Sept. 3 & 10 - Bob Gibennus
All services outdoors are weather and air quality permitting - should we move indoors the start time will still be 10:30 am.
June 18, 2023
Council News: We are still looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. Please contact the office if you are interested 403-242-5760.
Next Council Meeting: Wed. June 21 at the home of Nancy Gillean.
Council will then break for summer and meet September 20/23
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands-on instructions available.
Without volunteers, we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information… 403-242-5760
We feel it is time to update our Lakeview United Church directory. We are considering setting up the picture taking on Sept 11 to 14th. Would you be interested in having an updated directory? There is no obligation to purchase your photo. Peggy Gibennus and Nancy Gillean are setting this up. If you wish to find out more information you may contact Nancy or Peggy through the Church Office at 403-242-5760
You may have already noticed the Blue Donation Bin in the lot. We encourage you to donate your “stuff” - you can donate all your good used clothes/shoes/boots/outerwear/linens/towels. The bin will be emptied every week, weighed and we will be paid for every pound of donations. Every item will be repurposed and will not end up in
landfill. Note* NO household items, dishes, etc. can be donated.
Bags only - no boxes - and in the bin please. Help us fill the bin each week!!
If you currently subscribe to Broadview - you will have received notice for the renewal. Current subscriptions end September 2023. The rate is $30 and cheques (no cash) are made out to Broadview and can be put in the offering “marked Broadview” on Sunday or dropped by the office. If you are interested in a new subscription to Broadview, please contact the office at 403-242-5760. Deadline for renewals is June 30th. Thank you.
Lakeview Fun Days.
Thanks to Fiona & Sean H; Heather D, Daryl S., and Janet L. and all of the people who generously gave their time to sew the flags for Lakeview Fun Days. It was a huge success with over 80 flags made. Come and admire some of the flags that are flying outside our front entrance.
Ploughshares June 2023 Newsletter is posted on the board
or you can visit their website for a copy.
“Bow River Handbell Musicians Society” is looking for new ringers! Visit their website at www.BowRiverHandbells.ca for information if you are interested.
Families are always welcome at Lakeview UC! Janet L. will be away June 18 - July 16 and again July 30. Toys and craft materials are available in the “Children’s Corner” in the sanctuary and at the children’s table in the Narthex. Balls and materials for outside are on the children’s table; play dough is in the fridge in the kitchen (please do not return used play dough to the fridge for health reasons). If you are new to the church, ask any member of the congregation for assistance locating these materials, Feel free to use any of the available materials.
Choir will wrap up for the summer on June 25th -watch for start up details in September!
Summer is approaching and we will be moving worship to the outdoors to enjoy the beauty of the summer days….
Starting Sunday July 2 through to Sunday September 3, 2023 - starting at 10:30am - bring your lawn chair - bring your coffee to enjoy on the lawn! (no coffee service during the summer)
Service Schedule: July 2,9, & 16 - Rev. Jope
July 23 - Lakeview Choir
July 30 & Aug. 6 - Rev. Clint Mooney
Aug. 13, 20, 27 - Rev. Jope
Sept. 3 & 10 - Bob Gibennus
All services outdoors are weather and air quality permitting - should we move indoors the start time will still be 10:30 am.
June 11, 2023
Council News: We are still looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. Please contact the office if you are interested 403-242-5760.
Next Council Meeting: Wed. June 21 at the home of Nancy Gillean.
Council will then break for summer and meet September 20/23
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands-on instructions available.
Without volunteers, we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information, 403.242.5760
We feel it is time to update our Lakeview United Church directory. We are considering setting up the picture taking on Sept 11 to 14th. Would you be interested in having an updated directory? There is no obligation to purchase your photo. Peggy Gibennus and Nancy Gillean are setting this up. If you wish to find out more information you may contact Nancy or Peggy through the office at 403.242.5760.
The funeral for Louise Gant will be held at Lakeview UC on Friday, June 16th at 11 am. Reception to follow.
You may have already noticed the Blue Donation Bin in the lot. We encourage you to donate your “stuff” - you can donate all your good used clothes/shoes/boots/outerwear/linens/towels. The bin will be emptied every week, weighed and we will be paid for every pound of donations. Every item will be repurposed and will not end up in landfill. Note* NO household items, dishes, etc. can be donated.
Bags only - no boxes - and in the bin, please. Help us fill the bin each week!!
If you currently subscribe to Broadview - you will have received notice for the renewal. Current subscriptions end September 2023. The rate is $30 and cheques (no cash) are made out to Broadview and can be put in the offering “marked Broadview” on Sunday or dropped by the office. If you are interested in a new subscription to Broadview, please contact the office at 403-242-5760. Deadline for renewals is June 30th. Thank you.
Lakeview Fun Days. Thanks to Fiona & Sean H; Heather D, Daryl S., and Janet L., and all of the people who generously gave their time to sew the flags for Lakeview Fun Days. It was a huge success with over 80 flags made. Come and admire some of the flags that are flying outside our front entrance.
Ploughshares June 2023 Newsletter is posted on the board or you can visit their website for a copy.
Broadway in bloom….concert Saturday, June 17th at 2 pm Christ Anglican Church, Elbow Park. Featuring: Accompanist Cody Obst, Songs sung by Hannah Pagenkoph & Adam Brousseau. Tickets by donation and proceeds to Creative Aging Calgary Society https:/www.creativeaginggalgary.com
Stampede City Chorus presents “Back in the Saddle Again” Hosted here at Lakeview UC. Saturday, June 17th, 2023. Showtimes @ 2 pm and 7 pm. Admission is open / cash donation
“Bow River Handbell Musicians Society” is looking for new ringers! Visit their website at www.BowRiverHandbells.ca for information if you are interested.
Summer is approaching and we will be moving worship to the outdoors to enjoy the beauty of the summer days….
Starting Sunday, July 2 through to Sunday, September 3, 2023 - starting at 10:30 am - bring your coffee to enjoy on the lawn! (no coffee after service)
Service Schedule: July 2,9, & 16 - Rev. Jope
July 23 - Lakeview Choir
July 30 & Aug. 6 - Rev. Clint Mooney
Aug. 13, 20, 27 - Rev. Jope
Sept. 3 & 10 - Bob Gibennus
All services outdoors are weather and air quality permitting - should we move indoors the start time will still be 10:30 am.
Planters and plants
Right now, the grey planters are without plants. We are working out good places to put them so they get watered by the sprinkler system. And when we have that solved, we will need some flowers to put in them. You may want to 'adopt a planter' for this summer and donate a 12-inch hanging basket to help with this. We would get those plants into the planters and it would go a long way towards the churchyard looking a bit more colourful this summer. After that, your only obligation is to admire the planters - and maybe deadhead on your way by if you feel like it
If you would like to donate a basket, please let me know: Judy Klassen through the office at 403.242.5760
June 4, 2023
Trinity Sunday & Communion
5th Anniversary of our Affirming Ministry
Council News: We are still looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. Please contact the office if you are interested 403-242-5760.
Next Council Meeting: Wed. June 21 at the home of Nancy Gillean.
Council will then break for summer and meet September 20/23
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands on instructions available.
Without volunteers we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information… 403- 242-5760
We feel it is time to update our Lakeview United Church directory. We are considering setting up the picture taking on Sept 11 to 14th. Would you be interested in having an updated directory? There is no obligation to purchase your photo. Peggy Gibennus and Nancy Gillean are setting this up. If you wish to find out more information you may contact Nancy at 403-880-
A reminder from Alberta Health Services: All dishes, cups, glasses etc. must be hand
washed in soap and hot water and rinsed - then placed in the dish sanitizer. Once the sanitizing is complete - all coffee cups and glasses must be stored right side up for sanitary reasons.
A very huge thank you to all those who arrived on Tuesday to help finish up the cleaning of the kitchen dishes and cupboards. A great turnout and an excellent job done!!
My sincere thanks …… Nancy Gillean
You may have already noticed the Blue Donation Bin in the lot. We encourage you to donate your “stuff” - you can donate all your good used clothes/shoes/boots/outerwear/linens/towels. The bin will be emptied every week, weighed and we will be paid for every pound of donations. Every item will be repurposed and will not end up in landfill. Note* NO household items, dishes, etc. can be donated. Help us fill the bin each week!!
If you currently subscribe to Broadview - you will have received notice for the renewal. Current subscriptions end September 2023. The rate is $30 and cheques are made out to Broadview and can be put in the offering “marked Broadview” on Sunday or dropped by the office. If you are interested in a new subscription to Broadview, please contact the office at 403-242-5760. Deadline for renewals is June 30th. Thank you.
Interfaith Bible Study - “The Prophet’s Greatest Hits”
All are welcome - no charge for participation. June 8 & 15 from 1- 2:30pm Hosted by: Beth Tzedec Congregation @ 1325 Glenmore Tr SW
Broadway in bloom….concert Saturday June 17th at 2pm Christ Anglican Church, Elbow Park. Featuring: Accompanist Cody Obst, Songs sung by Hannah Pagenkoph & Adam Brousseau. Tickets by donation and proceeds to Creative Aging Calgary Society https:/www.creativeaginggalgary.com
Stampede City Chorus presents “Back in the Saddle Again” Hosted here at Lakeview UC. Saturday June 17th, 2023. Showtimes @ 2pm and 7pm. Admission is open / cash donation
Summer is approaching and we will be moving worship to the outdoors to enjoy the beauty of the summer days….watch for details.
Placing an announcement in the bulletin? Reminders:
-submit the request to the office at lakeviewuc@telus.net
-submit prior to 10am Friday morning the week you want it printed
-details of the announcement
-state how long you wish it to run: 1 week , 2 weeks etc
May 28, 2023
Pentecost Sunday &
Welcoming New Members
Council News: We are looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. Please contact the office if you are interested 403-242-5760.
Next Council Meeting: Wed. June 21 at the home of Nancy Gillean.
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands on instructions available.
Without volunteers we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information… 403.242.5760
We feel it is time to update our Lakeview United Church directory. We are considering setting up the picture taking on Sept 11 to 14th. Would you be interested in having an updated directory? There is no obligation to purchase your photo. Peggy Gibennus and Nancy Gillean are setting this up. If you wish to find out more information you may contact Nancy or Peggy through the Church Office 403.242.5760
A reminder from Alberta Health Services: All dishes, cups, glasses, etc. must be hand washed in soap and hot water and rinsed - then placed in the dish sanitizer. Once the sanitizing is complete - all coffee cups and glasses must be stored right side up for sanitary reasons.
A very huge thank you to all those who arrived on Tuesday to help finish up the cleaning of the kitchen dishes and cupboards. A great turnout and an excellent job done!!
My sincere thanks …… Nancy Gillean
You may have already noticed the Blue Donation Bin in the lot. We encourage you to donate your “stuff” - you can donate all your good used clothes/shoes/boots/outerwear/linens/towels. The bin will be emptied every week, weighed and we will be paid for every pound of donations. Every item will be repurposed and will not end up in landfill. Note* NO household items, dishes, etc. can be donated. Help us fill the bin each week!!
If you currently subscribe to Broadview - you will have received notice for the renewal. Current subscriptions end September 2023. The rate is $30 and cheques are made out to Broadview and can be put in the offering “marked Broadview” on Sunday or dropped by the office. If you are interested in a new subscription to Broadview, please contact the office at 403-242-5760. Deadline for renewals is June 30th. Thank you.
Calgary Queer Church “They are Filled with New Wine” - a queer look at Pentecost. Join Calgary Queer Church this Sunday at 8 pm - https://youtube.com/live/P1qVX8LWndA
Parkdale UC, 2919 8th Ave NW, is hosting a symposium on “Mending Creation” to learn more about solar panels and great, cleaner energy efficiency. Open invitation for Saturday, June 3 at 1 pm - 2:30 pm. Coffee and Cinnamon buns will be served!
Interfaith Bible Study - “The Prophet’s Greatest Hits”
All are welcome - no charge for participation. Hosted by: Beth Tzedec Congregation @ 1325 Glenmore Tr SW. June 1,8,15 from 1- 2:30 pm
Stampede City Chorus presents “Back in the Saddle Again”
Hosted here at Lakeview UC. Saturday, June 17th, 2023 Showtimes @ 2 pm and 7 pm. Admission is open / cash donation
Placing an announcement in the bulletin? Reminders:
-submit the request to the office at lakeviewuc@telus.net
-submit prior to 10 am Friday morning the week you want it printed
-details of the announcement
-state how long you wish it to run: 1 week, 2 weeks, etc
May 21, 2023
Note - Mon. May 22 the offices will be closed for Victoria Day.
We are looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. Please contact the office if you are interested 403-242-5760.
Next Council Meeting: Wed. June 21 - details to follow.
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands on instructions available.
Without volunteers we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information… 403-242-5760
Next Sunday - May 28th we will welcome new members into membership at Lakeview UC. If you would like to become a member or transfer your membership into Lakeview UC, please contact Rev Jope at 403-242-5760
Special thank yous to all the volunteers and the Scouts and their parents and donors and bakers who contributed to our Annual Garage Sale. Polly P , Beth E, Ron & Nancy G, Annie Z, Sophia F, Diane S, Brenda F. Wendy K, Gail F, Mary A. Barbara & Pat C, Rebecca R, Teresa C, Paige M, Molly L, Rob C, Pat W, Jackie L, Sue S, Heather M, Chris C, Roger S, Jean S, Jesse Mc, Marlene V, Cecilia P, Sandy B, Jack H, Doug W. Peggy J, Fiona H, Daryl S, Gwen J and special thanks to those I may have unintentionally left off the list. Your hard work is just as valuable as all the other amazing volunteers. A special thanks to Janet L. for organizing and coordinating the sale - we raised over $3200.00!!
We feel it is time to update our Lakeview United Church directory. We are considering setting up the picture taking on Sept 11 to 14th. Would you be interested in having an updated directory? There is no obligation to purchase your photo. Peggy Gibennus and Nancy Gillean are setting this up. If you wish to find out more information you may contact Nancy or Peggy through the Office.
A reminder from Alberta Health Services: All dishes, cups, glasses etc. must be hand washed in soap and hot water and rinsed - then placed in the dish sanitizer. Once the sanitizing is complete - all coffee cups and glasses must be stored right side up for sanitary reasons. Thank you to all the ladies who washed all the contents of the kitchen cupboards!
Parkdale UC, 2919 8th Ave NW, is hosting a symposium on “Mending Creation” to learn more about solar panels and great, cleaner energy efficiency. Open invitation for Saturday June 3 @ 1 pm - 2:30 pm. Coffee and Cinnamon buns will be served!
Interfaith Bible Study - “The Prophet’s Greatest Hits” All are welcome - no charge for participation. May 25, June 1,8,15 from 1- 2:30 pm. Hosted by: Beth Tzedec Congregation @ 1325 Glenmore Tr SW
Stampede City Chorus presents “Back in the Saddle Again” Hosted here at Lakeview UC. Saturday June 17th, 2023. Showtimes @ 2pm and 7pm. Admission is open / cash donation
Placing an announcement in the bulletin? Reminders:
-submit the request to the office at lakeviewuc@telus.net
-submit prior to 10am Friday morning the week you want it printed
-details of the announcement
-state how long you wish it to run: 1 week , 2 weeks etc
May 14, 2023
Happy Mother’s Day
Council News:
We are looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. Please contact the office if you are interested 403-242-5760.
Next Council Meeting: Wed. June 21 at 7pm in the lower boardroom.
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands on instructions available. Without volunteers we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information… 403-242-5760
New Members…. On Sunday May 28th we will welcome new members into membership at Lakeview UC. If you would like to become a member or transfer your membership to Lakeview UC, please contact Rev Jope at 403-242-5760
The Birnie Family would like to extend an invitation to the
“Celebration of Life” for Daryl Birnie.
Saturday May 20th, 2023
McInnis and Holloway 5008 Elbow Drive SW
Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Special thank you’s to all the volunteers and the Scouts and their parents and donors and bakers who contributed to our Annual Garage Sale. Polly P, Beth E, Ron & Nancy G, Annie Z, Sophia F, Diane S, Brenda F. Wendy K, Gail F, Mary A. Barbara & Pat C, Rebecca R, Teresa C, Paige M, Molly L, Rob C, Pat W, Jackie L, Sue S, Heather M, Chris C, Roger S, Jean S, Jesse Mc, Marlene V, Cecilia P, Sandy B, Jack H, Doug W. Peggy J, Fiona H, Daryl S, Gwen J and special thanks to those I may have unintentionally left off the list. Your hard work is just as valuable as all the other amazing volunteers. A special thank you to Janet L. for organizing and coordinating the sale - we raised over $3000.00!!
We feel it is time to update our Lakeview United Church directory. We are considering setting up the picture taking on Sept 11 to 14th. Would you be interested in having an updated directory? There is no obligation to purchase your photo. Peggy Gibennus and Nancy Gillean are setting this up. If you wish to find out more information you may contact Nancy at 403-880-5899 or Peggy at 403-818-7141
A reminder from Alberta Health Services: All dishes, cups, glasses etc. must be hand washed in soap and hot water and rinsed - then placed in the dish sanitizer. Once the sanitizing is complete - all coffee cups and glasses must be stored right side up for sanitary reasons. Thank you to all the ladies who washed all the contents of the kitchen cupboards!
Calgary Queer Church. “Love isn’t always easy….but it is what we are called to do.” Join Pastor Cindy Sunday May 14 at 8pm as she reflects on love in the face of hatred. Go to: https:/youtu.be/hZKPM7GrSjw
Parkdale UC, 2919 8th Ave NW, is hosting a symposium on “Mending Creation” to learn more about solar panels and great, cleaner energy efficiency. Open invitation for Saturday June 3 @ 1pm - 2:30pm. Coffee and Cinnamon buns will be served!
Interfaith Bible Study - “The Prophet’s Greatest Hits” All are welcome - no charge for participation. Thursdays May 18 & June 1,8,15 from 1 pm to 2:30 pm. Hosted by: Beth Tzedec Congregation @ 1325 Glenmore Tr SW
The offices at Lakeview UC will be closed on Monday, May 22 for the Victoria Day holiday.
Placing an announcement in the bulletin? Reminders:
-submit the request to the office at lakeviewuc@telus.net
-submit prior to 10am Friday morning the week you want it printed
-details of the announcement
-state how long you wish it to run: 1 week , 2 weeks etc
May 7, 2023
Lakeview United Church
5th Sunday of Easter
We are looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. Please contact the office if you are interested 403-242-5760.
Next Council Meeting: Wed. June 21 at 7 pm in the lower boardroom.
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands on instructions available.
Without volunteers we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions please contact the office for additional information… 403-242-5760
On Sunday May 28th we will welcome new members into membership at Lakeview UC. If you would like to become a member or transfer your membership into Lakeview UC, please contact Rev Jope at 403-242-5760
The Birnie Family would like to extend an invitation to the“Celebration of Life”
for Daryl Birnie.
Saturday May 20th, 2023
McInnis and Holloway 5008 Elbow Drive SW
Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Volunteer coordinator needed. We received a call from the coordinator of the Lakeview Fun Days asking if we would like a table at the Lakeview Fun Days, Saturday, May 27th. Volunteer positions:. Two shifts needed to run the event: 1st shift 11am to 1pm and 2nd 1pm to 3pm - no experience needed - please contact the office if you are interested 403-242-5760
Special thank you’s to all the volunteers and the Scouts and parents and donors who contributed to our Annual Garage Sale. Awesome job!!
Lakeview will be hosting Facilitator Paul Wishart, PhD, MA. for
" An invitation to a conversation about Loss:
Non-Death related and Death-related Loss:
When: Monday - May 8th - 7pm to 8:30pm
Location: Lakeview United Church
This is an open event and everyone is welcome to attend
We feel it is time to update our Lakeview United Church directory. We are considering setting up the picture taking on Sept 11 to 14th. Would you be interested in having an updated directory? There is no obligation to purchase your photo. Peggy Gibennus and Nancy Gillean are setting this up. If you wish to find out more information you may contact Nancy at 403-880-5899 or Peggy at 403-818-7141
The new Program Guide for the FCJ Retreat and Conference Centre is posted on the bulletin board.
A reminder from Alberta Health Services: All dishes, cups, glasses etc. must be hand washed in soap and hot water and rinsed - then placed in the dish sanitizer. Once the sanitizing is complete - all coffee cups and glasses must be stored right side up for sanitary reasons. Thank you
Parkdale UC, 2919 8th Ave NW, is hosting a symposium on “Mending Creation” to learn more about solar panels and great, cleaner energy efficiency. Open invitation for Saturday, June 3 @ 1 pm - 2:30 pm. Coffee and Cinnamon buns will be served!
Placing an announcement in the bulletin? Reminders:
-submit the request to the office at lakeviewuc@telus.net
-submit prior to 10 am Friday morning the week you want it printed
-details of the announcement
-state how long you wish it to run: 1 week, 2 weeks etc
April 30, 2023
Lakeview United Church
4th Sunday of Easter
Office Hours
Mon & Wed 10:30 - 3:30
Tues & Fridays 10 - 3 pm (Closed Statutory Holidays)
Council News
We are looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. Please contact the office if you are interested at 403-242-5760.
Next Council Meeting: Wed. June 21 at 7 pm in the lower boardroom.
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands-on instructions available.
Without volunteers, we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information… 403-242-5760
Note the Change in the Communion Schedule
Communion has been changed from the 7th of May to next Sunday, April 30th.
Mark your Calendars for the upcoming….Annual Garage Sale ….
Saturday, May 6th 9:00 - 12 noon
Donations will be accepted:
Thursday, May 5th from 5:00 to 8:00 pm
and Friday, May 5th from 2:30 to 6:30
Volunteer sign-up sheets are in the narthex.
For information please contact Janet Layton at 403-797-4075
Donations will be accepted earlier if needed - please contact the office to arrange a drop off.
Annual Ujamaa Grandmas Fabric & Yarn Sale
Friday May 5 - 11am to 7pm, Sat. May 6 - 10 am to 7pm
Sunday May 7 - 10am to 4pm
New Location : Garrison Curling Club, 2288 47 Ave. SW
Donations can be dropped off ONLY on Saturday April 29 - 12 to 4pm and Tuesday May 2 & 3 - 10am to 4pm
See the poster for further information on tickets (tickets are required for Friday only)
Lakeview Fun Days
Volunteer coordinator needed. We received a call from the coordinator of the Lakeview Fun Days asking if we would like a table at the Lakeview Fun Days, Saturday, May 27th. For the last 5 years, Lakeview United Church has set up a table to make “Flags of Peace”. These are very well received and anyone can make one. If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please contact Janet Layton.
Volunteer positions:
2 people to sew 50 to 100 flags. Fabric will be provided. Flags are approximately one-foot square. Two shifts needed to run the event: 1st shift 11 am to 1 pm and 2nd 1 pm to 3 pm - no experience needed - please contact the office if you are interested 403-242-5760
Lakeview will be hosting Facilitator Paul Wishart, PhD, MA. for
" An invitation to a conversation about Loss
Non-Death related and Death-related Loss:
When: Mondays - April 24th, May 1st and May 8th
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Lakeview United Church
Are you interested in events to learn more about our Indigenous neighbours? If so, please sign up for the mailing list. There is a signup sheet in the narthex or you can email Fiona at: hayesf216@gmail.com for any questions or further information.
A reminder from Alberta Health Services
All dishes, cups, glasses etc. must be hand washed in soap and hot water and rinsed - then placed in the dish sanitizer. Once the sanitizing is complete - all coffee cups and glasses must be stored right side up for sanitary reasons. Thank you
Placing an announcement in the bulletin?
submit the request to the office at lakeviewuc@telus.net
submit prior to 10am Friday morning the week you want it printed
details of the announcement
state how long you wish it to run: 1 week , 2 weeks etc
April 23, 2023
Lakeview United Church
3rd Sunday of Easter
Office Hours
Mon & Wed 10:30 - 3:30
Tues & Fridays 10 - 3 pm (Closed Statutory Holidays)
Council News
We are looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. Please contact the office if you are interested at 403-242-5760.
Next Council Meeting: Wed. June 21 at 7 pm in the lower boardroom.
We are looking for a volunteer to do the Sunday Service videography for uploading to our YouTube. There are simple instructions and hands on instructions available.
Without volunteers we may lose this important service. If you are interested and have questions, please contact the office for additional information… 403-242-5760
Note the Change in the Communion Schedule:
Communion has been changed from the 7th of May to next Sunday, April 30th.
Mark your Calendars for the upcoming
Annual Garage Sale
Saturday, May 6th 9:00 - 12 noon
Donations will be accepted:
Thursday May 5th from 5:00 to 8:00 pm
and Friday May 5th from 2:30 to 6:30
Volunteer sign up sheets are in the narthex.
For information please contact Janet Layton through the Office 403-242-5760
Donations will be accepted earlier if needed - please contact the office to arrange a drop off.
Friday, May 5 - 11 am to 7 pm, Sat. May 6 - 10 am to 7 pm
Sunday, May 7 - 10 am to 4 pm
New Location: Garrison Curling Club, 2288 47 Ave. SW
Donations can be dropped off ONLY on Saturday, April 29 - 12 to 4 pm and Tuesday, May 2 & 3 - 10 am to 4 pm
See the poster for further information on tickets (tickets are required for Friday only)
Lakeview Fun Days
Volunteer co-ordinator needed. We received a call from the coordinator of the Lakeview Fun Days asking if we would like a table at the Lakeview Fun Days, Saturday, May 27th. For the last 5 years Lakeview United Church has set up a table to make “Flags of Peace”. These are very well received and any one can make one. If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please contact Janet Layton. Volunteer positions:
2 people to sew 50 to 100 flags. Fabric will be provided. Flags are approximately one foot square. Two shifts needed to run the event: 1st shift 11am to 1pm and 2nd 1pm to 3pm - no experience needed - please contact the office if you are interested 403-242-5760
Lakeview will be hosting Facilitator Paul Wishart, PhD, MA. for
" An invitation to a conversation about Loss:
Non-Death related and Death-related Loss:
When: Mondays - April 24th, May 1st and May 8th
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Lakeview United Church
Are you interested in events to learn more about our Indigenous neighbours? If so, please sign up for the mailing list. There is a sign up sheet in the narthex or you can email Fiona at: hayesf216@gmail.com for any questions or further information.
A reminder from Alberta Health Services
All dishes, cups, glasses etc. must be hand washed in soap and hot water and rinsed - then placed in the dish sanitizer. Once the sanitizing is complete - all coffee cups and glasses must be stored right side up for sanitary reasons. Thank you
Placing an announcement in the bulletin?
-submit the request to the office at lakeviewuc@telus.net
-submit prior to 10 am Friday morning the week you want it printed
-details of the announcement
-state how long you wish it to run: 1 week, 2 weeks, etc
April 16th, 2023
Lakeview United Church
2nd Sunday of Easter
Mon & Wed 10:30 - 3:30
Tues & Fridays 10 - 3pm
(Closed Statutory Holidays)
Council News: We are looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. Please contact the office if you are interested 403.242.5760.
Next Council Meeting: Wednesday, April 19th at 7 pm in the lower hall boardroom. Reports are due before the meeting.
Note the Change in the Communion Schedule: We had to change Communion from the 7th of May to Sunday, April 30th.
Mark your Calendars for the upcoming….Annual Garage Sale ….
Saturday, May 6th 9:00 - 12 noon
Donations will be accepted:
Thursday May 5th from 5:00 to 8:00 pm
and Friday May 5th from 2:30 to 6:30
Volunteer sign up sheets are in the narthex.
For information please contact Janet or contact the Office at 403.242.5760
Annual Ujamaa Grandmas Fabric & Yarn Sale
Friday, May 5 - 11 am to 7 pm, Sat. May 6 - 10 am to 7 pm
Sunday, May 7 - 10 am to 4 pm
New Location: Garrison Curling Club, 2288 47 Ave. SW
Donations can be dropped off ONLY on Saturday April 29 - from 12 to 4 pm and Tuesday, May 2 & 3 - 10 am to 4 pm
See the poster for further information on tickets (for Friday only)
Continuing Bible Studies:
Monday Morning Bible Study - will resume in the fall of 2023
Wednesday Morning Study Group will resume in October 2023
Friday morning Faith Journey Book Group - Meeting in the lower hall boardroom.
Lakeview will be hosting Facilitator Paul Wishart, PhD, MA. for
" An Invitation to a Conversation about Loss:
Non-Death related and Death-related Loss:
When: Mondays - April 24th, May 1st and May 8th
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Lakeview United Church
Are you interested in events to learn more about our Indigenous neighbours? If so, please sign up for the mailing list. There is a signup sheet in the narthex, you can speak with Fiona or contact the Church Office for any questions or further information.
Placing an announcement in the bulletin? Reminders:
-submit the request to the office at lakeviewuc@telus.net
-submit prior to 10 am Friday morning the week you want it printed
-details of the announcement
-state how long you wish it to run: 1 week, 2 weeks, etc
April 9th, 2023
Lakeview United Church
Easter Sunday
Mon & Wed 10:30 - 3:30 Tues & Fridays 10 - 3pm (Closed Statutory Holidays)
We are looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. Please contact the office if you are interested 403-242-5760
Easter Sunday at 10am for crafts, egg decorating, games and live baby chicks. What a great opportunity to bring your kids, grandkids and neighbours!!
Note the Change in the Communion Schedule: We had to change Communion from the 7th of May to Sunday April 30th.
Saturday May 6th 9:00 - 12 noon
Donations will be accepted Thursday May 5th from 5:00 to 8:00 pm and Friday May 5th from 2:30 to 6:30. For information please contact Janet Layton through the office at 403.242.5760
Friday May 5 - 11am to 7pm, Sat. May 6 - 10 am to 7pm
Sunday May 7 - 10am to 4pm
New Location : Garrison Curling Club, 2288 47 Ave. SW
Donations can be dropped off ONLY on Saturday April 29 - 12 to 4pm and Tuesday May 2 & 3 - 10am to 4pm
See the poster for further information on tickets - Friday Only
Monday Morning Bible Study - meets next on Monday April 10 at 9:30 AM in the upper hall. We are finishing the book "Women on the Bible for Progressive Christians" with the study of “Two Fiery Women”, Deborah and Jael. Please read chapters 4 and 5 of the book of Judges in preparation. For information please contact Gwen Jamieson at 403-249-5655.
Wednesday Morning Study Group will resume in October 2023
Friday morning Faith Journey Book Group - Meeting in the lower hall boardroom.
Friday April 14th at 7:30 pm Cabot’s Crossing
For tickets and information you can contact the office at 403-242-5760.
Placing an announcement in the bulletin? Reminders:
submit the request to the office at lakeviewuc@telus.net
submit prior to 10am Friday morning the week you want it printed
details of the announcement
state how long you wish it to run: 1 week , 2 weeks etc
April 2, 2023
Lakeview United Church
Palm Sunday
Office Hours
Mon & Wed 10:30 - 3:30 Tues & Fridays 10 - 3 pm (Closed Statutory Holidays)
Council News
We are looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. Please contact the office if you are interested at 403-242-5760
Lent Worship Services continue
Thursday, April 6 - Maundy Thursday Mediterranean Meal & Worship Service at 6 pm
Please note there are sign-up sheets in the narthex for the dinner
Friday, April 7 - Good Friday Walk of the Cross - The Walk of the Cross will take place at 10:00 am beginning at Lakeview United Church with a service, the cross will be carried to St. Laurence Anglican Church where the journey will end with a quiet time of reflection and meditation.
Sunday, April 9 - Easter Sunday Sunrise Service - at 8:00 am you are invited to meet at the corner of 37th Street and 66th Avenue SW (the Weaslehead parking lot) and welcome the Easter Sunrise together...all are welcome and Tim Horton’s coffee will be available. Please bring your own coffee mug to be environmentally conscious!
Sunday, April 9 - Easter Sunday Service at 10 am
Kids and Chicks (back by popular demand)
Join us Easter Sunday at 10 am for crafts, egg decorating, games, and live baby chicks. What a great opportunity to bring your kids, grandkids, and neighbours!!
Continuing Bible Studies
⦁ Monday Morning Bible Study - meets next on Monday, April 3 at 9:30 AM in the upper hall. We will be studying Session 6 of the study "Women on the Bible for Progressive Christians" titled "Women of the Exodus: Puah, Shiphrah, and Miriam". Please read Exodus 1:8 - 2:10 and Exodus 15:20-21 In preparation. For information please contact Gwen Jamieson through the office at 403-242-5760.
⦁ Wednesday Morning Study Group continues with a study of Jeremiah.
⦁ Friday morning Faith Journey Book Group - Meeting in the lower hall boardroom.
Weaselhead Presents…..UPCOMING!
Friday, April 14th at 7:30 pm Cabot’s Crossing
For tickets and information, you can contact the office at 403-242-5760.
Annual Garage Sale
Mark your Calendars for the upcoming….Annual Garage Sale ….
Saturday, May 6th, 9:00 - 12 noon
Donations will be accepted Thursday, May 5th from 5:00 to 8:00 pm and
Friday, May 5th from 2:30 to 6:30
For information please contact Janet Layton through the office at 403-242-5760
Placing an announcement in the bulletin?
⦁ submit the request to the office at ⦁ lakeviewuc@telus.net
⦁ submit prior to 10am Friday morning the week you want it printed
⦁ details of the announcement
⦁ state how long you wish it to run: 1 week, 2 weeks etc
March 26, 2023
Lakeview United Church
5th Sunday of the Lenten Season
Office Hours: Mon & Wed 10:30 - 3:30 Tues & Fridays 10 - 3 pm (Closed Statutory Holidays)
Council News: We are looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: Chair of the Fellowship & Caring Ministry and Reaching Out. Please contact the office if you are interested at 403-242-5760
Missing Coat? At the February 26th concert we had a small mix up with coats. We are missing a ladies winter coat - knee length - dark grey in colour - and we have an unclaimed coat here that is a Profile coat - size 14 also dark grey in colour. Please check to see if you have the missing coat. Thank you.
Blanket Exercise: Lakeview UC is hosting Rev. Tony Snow, Ordained Indigenous Minister and Educator in the United Church, for a blanket exercise. This is a unique way to present the history of indigenous peoples in this area. It will be on Monday, March 27th at 2 pm in the Upper Hall. Community members and families are welcome. Bring a friend and stay for coffee afterwards.
A message from UCC Mission & Services: It is with immense gratitude that we thank everyone who contributed to Mission & Service and the work of the church in 2022. Mission & Service givings totalled $21.1 million, planned gifts totalled $1.8 million, and over $1.5 million was contributed for the people of Ukraine. That is a total of $24.5M and the demonstration of amazing generosity.
Lent Worship Services continue
Sunday, April 2 - Palm Sunday at 10 am
Thursday, April 6 - Maundy Thursday Mediterranean Meal & Worship Service at 6 pm
Please note there are sign up sheets in the narthex for the dinner
Friday, April 7 - Good Friday Walk of the Cross - The Walk of the Cross will take place at 10:00 am beginning at Lakeview United Church with a service, the cross will be carried to St. Laurence Anglican Church where the journey will end with a quiet time of reflection and meditation.
Sunday, April 9 - Easter Sunday Sunrise Service - at 8:00 am you are invited to meet at the corner of 37th Street and 66th Avenue SW (the Weaslehead parking lot) and welcome the Easter Sunrise together...all are welcome and Tim Horton’s coffee will be available. Please bring your own coffee mug to be environmentally conscious!
Sunday, April 9 - Easter Sunday Service at 10 am
Kids and Chicks (back by popular demand)
Join us Easter Sunday at 10 am for crafts, egg decorating, games and live baby chicks. What a great opportunity to bring your kids, grandkids and neighbours!!
Continuing Bible Studies:
Monday Morning Bible Study - meets next on March 27 at 9:30 AM in the upper hall. We will be studying Session 6 of the study "Women on the Bible for Progressive Christians" titled "Women of the Exodus: Puah, Shiphrah and Miriam". Please read Exodus 1:8 - 2:10 and Exodus 15:20-21 In preparation. For information please contact Gwen Jamieson through the office at 403-242-5760.
Wednesday Morning Study Group continues with a study of Jeremiah.
Friday morning Faith Journey Book Group - Meeting in the lower hall boardroom.
Weaselhead Presents…..UPCOMING!
Friday April 14th at 7:30 pm Cabot’s Crossing
For tickets and information, you can contact the office at 403-242-5760.
Annual Garage Sale
Mark your Calendars for the upcoming….Annual Garage Sale ….
Saturday May 6th 9:00 - 12 noon
Donations will be accepted Thursday May 5th from 5:00 to 8:00 pm and
Friday May 5th from 2:30 to 6:30
For information please contact Janet Layton through the office at 403-242-5760.
Want to place an announcement in the bulletin?
-submit the request to the office at lakeviewuc@telus.net
-submit prior to 10am Friday morning the week you want it printed
-details of the announcement
-state how long you wish it to run: 1 week , 2 weeks etc
Archived, Previous Bulletin Announcements
……can be accessed by contacting the Church Office.