Office Hours:
Monday and Wednesday: 10:30 am to 3:30 pm
Tuesday and Friday: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Closed Statutory Holidays
When the office is open, please ring the doorbell to announce your arrival!
Covid / influenza precautions and masks are still encouraged.
Great news from Lakeview UC Sunday School..... Music and Stories for 3 to 6 year olds in an open Christian Environment. Forte Music Studios has partnered with Lakeview UC Sunday School at 10am every Sunday morning. For questions or additional information contact: Janet L at 403-242-5760
The United Church of Canada will celebrate the 100th Anniversay in 2025. We are looking for suggestions and ideas on how we, Lakeview United Church, could mark the occasion. Submit your suggestions into the "Red Suggestion Box" in the narthex. Suggestions could be a collaborative effort with other churches or with Lakeview Church community. We look forward to hearing your ideas......
Choir practices every Thursday at 7:30 pm. All are welcome!
Campus United Calgary is grateful to the David Ferguson Music Fund for supporting its drumming ministry program.
The United Church of Canada continues to pray for the congregation of Jasper United Church, which lost its church building in the recent devastating wildfires. We also share our prayers for congregation of St. Mary and St. George Anglican Church, which also lost their church building in the fire, as well as for the wider community of Jasper, AB, and for all those affected by climate-change sparked fires in so many places across Canada.
The Annual Lakeview UC Garage Sale!!
Thank you to all the volunteers who assisted with the garage sale - for setting up , taking down, selling, baking, pricing and everything in between, The sale raised over $3,000 which will go to the fundraising for the roof project.
Photos from the Sanctuary Sounds held March 13. Thank you to all of the musical guests and to the audience who came and enjoyed their lunch hour with us.
Volunteers needed!
We are searching for and accepting nominations for the following volunteer Council Member: FELLOWSHIP AND CARING MINISTRY TEAM CHAIR, and an occasional FELLOWSHIP ACTIVITY ORGANIZER .
If one of these opportunities feels like your ministry, click the teal coloured link above for the position description; contact your minister, Rev. Jope Langejans; or any current member of Council for more information.
Thank you for considering these volunteer commitments to your Church Family!
Get Well Wishes:
We want to encourage our church family to keep those who are under going medical testing and procedures, hospitalized or experiencing health difficulties at this time in your thoughts and prayers. We wish a speedy recovery to all. We also want to acknowledge and remember those family and friends that support them in these especially trying times…..
There is a “Suggestion/Comment” box (in the Narthex) and we welcome your comments, questions, suggestions; or if you do note something in the building that needs attention, jot it down for the box and all comments will be followed up on Mondays.
We invite our church family to participate, as they are able, when we come together to worship each Sunday, currently we are needing
Scripture Readers
Coffee and Conversation Hosts
Collection Counters
Communion Servers
Many hands make light work! Schedules have been created on ‘Sign Up Genius’ for your convenience. See the Volunteer Opportunities web page or contact the designated schedule monitor for more information, or, to have your name added to the volunteer roster:
Click on the button below…… View the Calendar ……. Pick a date!
Need medical Aids?
Medical equipment available for loan:
2 pairs of adjustable crutches
2 walking canes (1 is adjustable)
1 adjustable bath seat
double handrail for toilet (screws to the toilet for extra stability) (out on loan DJT)
2 clamp-on bathtub handrails
2 wheelchairs ( one is currently out on loan: BH )
For further information, or to request equipment please e-mail the Office